Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World


#1 Female Member
I am amazed there isnt a thread for this already.

I saw this last night (finally) and I was VERY surprised. IT WAS AWESOME. Definently gonna own it when it comes out. It was especially awesome because I got a ton of the subtle video game references. anyone else love it?
Favorite summer movie EVAR :awesome:
I thought it was going to suck actually, but I was very surprised at how awesome it was!
βeta said:
I didn't like it as much as everyone else seems to have.
I didn't find it the best, my friend is super hyped about it. He's trying to force me out of buying CS:S and L4D for the game :/
well, the movie does take place in Canada, so I can see why you thought it was Heck, but it isnt. ;)

Amen Argelfaster. the previews made it look awful.

The game is totally awesome too. got it on my ps3, and my xbox. been playing it all day.
samjc3 said:
well, the movie does take place in Canada, so I can see why you thought it was Heck, but it isnt. ;)

Amen Argelfaster. the previews made it look awful.

The game is totally awesome too. got it on my ps3, and my xbox. been playing it all day.
They go through the scary door, into Heck at the end. The game forces you to wait forever to kill people when they're on the ground, I hate it.
The ads and trailers make it sound like incredibly stupid crap. If it actually is good, then it will earn a "good movie, worst trailer ever" award. I probably won't be able to see it until it comes out on DVD though.
I loved it.

The satire on typical action-movie fight banter was hilarious.

"Prepare... To meet the cleaning lady on Monday!"
Just use some warez sites that don't require you to look through endless pages of crap to find something. If they work out, how come you can't find a good one? :p
Not worth torrenting. The only releases in English are ones made with a Russian cam and a terrible phone audio recording in english overlayed. Horrible.
What about that Xmen Origins leak? You know the one that was missing special effects? If anything that version was better than the final one just because of the added comedic value.