Sam's PCP2

TechSteve said:
I will also be making a Pcp im super stoked to see how this turns out! :mrgreen:
Good luck; lemme know if you need some pinouts if you go with this board.

Thats more expensive, and near as I can tell its the v1 version of the board which has several bios issues. ID recommend you buy one from Aleutia, specially as this Ali seller has several specs wrong, which doesnt do much for credibility.

AND will you test fable 3 on this?
In a word, no.
I already emailed Aleutia last night,and i doubt this board could run fable 3 anyways thats why i tried to edit it out and modem decided it was going to be a piece of flux so i couldnt,lastly hows the project coming along?
TechSteve said:
I already emailed Aleutia last night,and i doubt this board could run fable 3 anyways thats why i tried to edit it out and modem decided it was going to be a piece of flux so i couldnt,lastly hows the project coming along?
Actually, specswise, this board board may be able to run fable 3. Its over on everything except processor ghz, and thats a wonky measure anyway. I just have no intention of buying the game, and therefore shall be unable to test.

Project status hasnt changed much. Ive got some money on the way so I can buy the charger and stuff, and Ive bought my battery cells. So now that finals are over, I should be able to get some real work done.
Oh now i definatley want this board :dahroll:
i emailed em and they still havent replied.. i using the right one?
EDIT ha got a reply but i had to use my buisness email, i used my normal email and they still haven't replied,but i used my buisness email and told them that my buisness was interested in the board and i got a return email within the hour!
People, I need help on controls. I spent all sorts of money on getting everything as small as possible, so it really wouldnt do to have big controls. However, everything I can really find has pretty big innards. Ive ordered some usb dualshocks of varying types, in the hopes that some are built like a true sony controller, and with the knowledge that some (clear ones) are certainly smaller than the board I have now. Still, they arent tiny. If anyone knows of a full controller (dual sticks, 16 button) that is smaller than a madcats microcon, Id love to hear about it. Or, if anyone knows how to make a controller that would use HID drivers with some form of devboard, like a teensey2.0, that would be epic as well.
Consider this a plea for help.
If you want a true PS2 controller why not just use a PS2 controller usb adapter? Might be a dumb suggestion, sorry.

If your interested, i have a bunch of ps2 to usb converters they used to sell at radio shack laying around still. The boards inside them are very small, I have 2ps2 controllers I modded with the boards mounted right in the controller. I'd be willing to part with one for $20.00 + shipping. The adapters are awesome, btw. :D

EDIT: actually here they are for next to nothing: ... B000AMAUYO The picture makes the thing look huge, but the actual board inside is about 1/4 of the size of that plastic case and its pretty flat.

Totally the best $10 you can spend on a PC gamepad

Here's what I get from it on Vista:

Ashen, Ive thought about doing that very seriously, but, all of the ps2>usb adaptors I've seen are really big. Could you measure the board so I can see if its smaller than what I have?

@steve: Those genius pandora's are totally useless to me. I thought about combining two to get enough buttons and sticks, but the way all my keyboard and mouse emulation programs work, I can only use one at time. So I am limited to one analog stick and 6 buttons. Try playing oblivion with that and you'll see why its really useless.
Sorry for the crappy iPhone pics...



It's pretty tiny, of course you'd want to remove the huge PS2 connector. when you do that the board is about 1.5"x.75"x.20"

Ooh, colour me very interested. The ones Ive ordered should show up next week. If not, I shall probably be buying those. Thanks for the info!
TechSteve said:
Use the ps3 controller it has usb drivers AND the board its self is very small. :dahroll:
So far as I know, hey only work over bluetooth. And that would be a battery life sink, and pretty dumb too. Wireless connection inside device? Yeah no.
I think there are use drivers for it too, but I could be wrong. I would search for you but I am on my phone and it's a bit too slow to be going through pages looking for them.
neverused said:
I think there are use drivers for it too, but I could be wrong. I would search for you but I am on my phone and it's a bit too slow to be going through pages looking for them.
Woah holy crap you are right! Jesus, why on earth didnt I check that?! Awesome!
"it has usb drivers" um....i told you it can be used over usb.... :roll: I use a ps3 controller wired to play games on my pc and iv'e taken a lot of ps3 controllers apart and the board is linking tiny as far as controller boards go BUT it will be a little more complicated to wire because it uses a transparent plastic pcb similar to keyboards for all the buttons, but the traces are easy to follow and the board is easy to solder to It will be more of a hassle but for size you can't beat it. If i still have it i have just the board and the pcb from a broken controller and i can send it to you if the shipping isn't too high. :dahroll: ... s-7-vista/
TechSteve said:
"it has usb drivers" um....i told you it can be used over usb.... :roll:
Yeah yeah yeah. I had motioninjoy installed already and its bluetooth only. I never even thought about the usbnesssaucerawr.
I use a ps3 controller wired to play games on my pc and iv'e taken a lot of ps3 controllers apart and the board is linking tiny as far as controller boards go BUT it will be a little more complicated to wire because it uses a transparent plastic pcb similar to keyboards for all the buttons, but the traces are easy to follow and the board is easy to solder to It will be more of a hassle but for size you can't beat it. If i still have it i have just the board and the pcb from a broken controller and i can send it to you if the shipping isn't too high. :dahroll:
Nah, Ive got several ps3 controllers I have no problem scrapping for parts. And yeah, the board is linking tiny. Membranes are easy to deal with, as they simply get ripped off. The button pinout hasnt actually changed since the original dualshock, to the best of my knowledge. And I know how to multimeter, so thats no problem.
Double post because, well, Heck.

Yeah. Ps3 controllers on windows = not a pretty thing. I can get the controller seen on the computer, and it works fine for games with controller support. But my god, getting it to play nice with xpadder is a real chore. No matter what I do (and Ive tried 4 controllers), after pulling the left trigger it sticks on. And the analog sticks are a pain to get working. I have to set it up each time I reboot, open motioninjoy, open xpadder, and half the time they just quit working. So, unless I can find a much cleaner methodology, this will be useless to me. Because going through this flax on my touchscreen would be a total pain in the ass, and because I want it to be easy as pie. I wanna be able to turn my PCp on and play a game. This is not at all conducive to that.
There are newer drivers that recognize the controller at start up for ease of use and press the home button on the controller that will help with any problems.