
I have heard a little about it, but not a lot.

-It's ugly as Heck, and some of the controller ports are on the sides- AWKWARD!
-It comes with wireless controllers, but they are GENESIS 6-BUTTONS, which I absolutely hate. Backwards A/B, too.
-You can plug in real controllers, thankfully, since the real ones are crap. SNES, NES, and Genesis.
-The controller only works with the console it's intended for. IE Genesis works for Genesis but not SNES. This includes NES/SNES.
-It does have s-video in addition to composite.
-The build quality is pretty good for a clone.
-Accuracy and compatibility is pretty much the same of the FC3, maybe a little better but not much.
-NES audio is too quiet and inaccurate.

I'm actually looking it up right now. This is all stuff I've heard, expect it to change as I do more research.
Meh, NES emulation is always terrible. The SNES looks a little more promising. And the Genny is a lot better than the clones I have seen so far.
Sounds like the FC3 just got some new controller ports and a wireless controller.