Remote igniter

ShockSlayer said:
If I want to make a lot which is cheaper, car or parts?

alot being 5 or 50?

realistically though, its probably about the same price for either method. my way will have better range and be smaller. however, you will need an avr programmer, and some other stuff. but, buying the chips en mass will save you a large percentage of the cost, whereas, no matter how many cheap RC cars you buy, they will still cost the same amount. another upside to my way is the ability to control multiple recievers with a single remote. :awesome:
Yeah, if you build many the more complicated method is better. The RC car thing is more a ghetto one-off hack.
just gotta say, i was helping my brother make a "movie" for his spanish final, and the team had need of a boom. (actually several)

i was rather short on RF links and PIC's and my AVR programmer. but i did have an old RC car. i wired her up, and slapped some steel wool (i already knew to do this pre-rooman) across the jumper wires i installed. then, i just piled on the gunpowder. beautiful. worked like a charm.

My biggest question is this: Where did you get the gunpowder? I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get, even in the US.
Wow XCVG. anyone can buy gunpowder here, as long as they are over 18 (<3 dad).
canada must suck.

ive been making the rig sexier (it doesnt look like a car anymore!) and i will post some progress pics when i get home. i managed to get the remote into a small ratshack project box. any ideas on how to make a massive red button?
I remember when I had dreams of being basically a pyromaniac. In reality I'm too much of a wuss to do that though. At one point I bought a bunch of caps and sparklers and tried to make firecrackers. There was one that sort of worked but the rest sucked.

Anyway, if you want a really good genuine Happ red button, it'll cost you $50. No idea on how to make one, sorry.
Go buy an easy button (i think you can get them from staples?) and rig one of those up.
BAM you got your big red button that can also say "That was easy!"
an the mated toggle switch. YESSSSSSSS

now i need a better (repeatable) method of sparking. steel wool is kinda annoying. i would use a spark plug, but they dont work on 5.6 volts, to my knowledge. any ideas?


cellphone pictures, sorry.

The original setup:

Current status: (for reference, the black box under the big board houses 4 AA's)



hopefully i can get a video of her in action tomorrow.
made a bit of progress, will post some pics...later.
anywho, here is my brothers spanish final: (epically low quality, compressed from 456mb to 23)

booms at 7:40 and 8:35, if you would rather not watch it all.
that version is missing alot of stuff, high quality should be up soon. :dahroll: