Raspberry Pi boy?????

hey peeps, I've got an idea for my first portable and I wondered what you guys think, An old fat dmg gameboy, replace the screen, stick a raspberry pi computer in (when availiable) and run a gameboy emulator...just cos I can lol (what better reason do you need. Also thinking it would be cool to used the cartridge slot and turn a cartridge into a sd card reader so the roms (for the games i own cough cough) would actually be on a "cartridge".
Cool idea, but there's a few problems.

1. There's no Gameboy emulator for RaspberryPi yet.
2. You would need to make a custom control board and a driver for it.
3. I doubt you will be able to find a battery with enough power and small enough size to run it for a significant amount of time.
4. There's not much space to work with.
true bout the emulator, i've no idea as to what the heck it would take to run it but i saw a video of quake 3 running on it so. It will run proper linux distros but will the emulators need to be rewritten to run on ARM architecture (bit of a noob question). And i thought that with it running full distros there would be usb gamepad support and i could hack the buttons to fit or solder onto the originals.

Just dreaming at the moment...
AfroLH said:
3. I doubt you will be able to find a battery with enough power and small enough size to run it for a significant amount of time.
It's supposed to have a power draw of around 1W, isn't it? I mean, it says you need a 5v, 700mA supply to run the network one. I see this being a complete non-issue.

AfroLH said:
4. There's not much space to work with.
It's business card sized... a gameboy motherboard is significantly more than business card sized. Where's the issue?

You could just cut out the 2 AA port, cut the hole a bit bigger, and epoxy in a 4 AA port.
Throw in the screen, and you shouldn't be looking at more than 1.5A draw.

1 and 2 can be issues, but if he IS willing to run it all under a full distribution of linux, he shouldn't have too many problems.
ttsgeb said:
AfroLH said:
4. There's not much space to work with.
It's business card sized... a gameboy motherboard is significantly more than business card sized. Where's the issue?

You could just cut out the 2 AA port, cut the hole a bit bigger, and epoxy in a 4 AA port.
Throw in the screen, and you shouldn't be looking at more than 1.5A draw.

1 and 2 can be issues, but if he IS willing to run it all under a full distribution of linux, he shouldn't have too many problems.

Well, consider that he'll need an HDMI screen, a screen board, a controller board, and a RaspberryPi, I think he may be pushing the limits.
I could be wrong.
AfroLH said:
ttsgeb said:
AfroLH said:
4. There's not much space to work with.
It's business card sized... a gameboy motherboard is significantly more than business card sized. Where's the issue?

You could just cut out the 2 AA port, cut the hole a bit bigger, and epoxy in a 4 AA port.
Throw in the screen, and you shouldn't be looking at more than 1.5A draw.

1 and 2 can be issues, but if he IS willing to run it all under a full distribution of linux, he shouldn't have too many problems.

Well, consider that he'll need an HDMI screen, a screen board, a controller board, and a RaspberryPi, I think he may be pushing the limits.
I could be wrong.

Don't need HDMI, it also does composite. It's totally feasible.
The way that I would get to the same outcome would be using a Dingoo A320 and a composite screen that would fit the DMG. Rewire controls, hook up tv-out and power to screen, done. Only tricky part would be powering the screen, not sure if you could take power from the Dingoo or not.
I say go for the Raspberry Pi idea. It'd be neat. I may actually try to steal this idea when I get a bit more into programming and such. I'd probably want to do more than just having it run Gameboy games, though.
I would totally try it, man. Seems like it could turn out rather awesome, especially for something that will cost right around $100 to build ($150 or so with rechargeable batteries), and could double as a pretty good PDA

*suddenly begins obvious plots involving a ti-83*
Thanks for the comments guys, it could do more than gameboy, like other consoles or be the most retro pmp going. I just would rather not butcher the front and ruin the looks by adding more buttons. Of course if i go ahead ill post wip and updates.
Bit more work and you could knock out something totally awesome like this with a Raspberry Pi.


http://www.raspberrypi.org/forum/projec ... rcuttercnc