QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: SNESQuik

Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Unamed

Not trying to be a spelling nazi, but "unamed" is not a word. A more common term to express what you are trying to say is "untitled".

Also, "comming" is not a word. Sorry, it's just that those kind of mistakes bother me.
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Unamed

THere does not need to be a game to turn it on, but you need a game to be able to test it.
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

Ok, so Polycase wont ship me my Samples :( So I guess im gonna design and create my own case.
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

I'm assuming you told them you were using it for a portable Super Nintendo? :P
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

What about that would make them refuse to send him samples?
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

I'm just under the impression that they prefer to give out samples to people who they think will end up buying more. Either that or he has already gotten his 2 free samples :)
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

Nope, they said "let me try and get this aproved"

Maybe its cause I invented a Company with my last name Named "Cooper Corp"

and used an E-mail I made when I was like 7 :awesome:

Anyway, Im gonna show those dorks, il make an :awesome: case.
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

I don't think the company matters, but the email address has to be valid :?
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

Wait, what the Heck? Free samples? They just asked me my address and name. :|
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

pLover said:
Wait, what the Heck? Free samples? They just asked me my address and name. :|

To send you your free samples...they also need your email address, company, etc.
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

I dont know who the heck crackpot you got, but he did his job wrong.
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

She certainly did.

Or he, if he had his balls cut off at a young age...
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

QuickSkop3 said:
I dont know who the heck crackpot you got, but he did his job wrong.

I think it's to make sure that you don't order more than 2 samples. The email address was used for feedback, and the company was so that the same company doesn't order more than 2 as well. It all seemed perfectly normal to me.
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I got my SNES and the game and the Opened controller works awesome. Il post a vid of me playing super mario :awesome:

In the mean time, my dad went and bought me a bunch of awesome stuff from the electronics store including:

A WP25 Weller soldering iron (epic :awesome:)
200 feet of wire (I dont know why the Heck he bought so much)
Flux (not that flux! the actually rosin flux)
An awesome multi meter with coninuity beeper (dont know what it is, but it beeps, coolness, anyone explain?)
100 feet of Cat5 (to hook up mah Xbox without having it halfway across the room)
Tacts (clicky ones for bumpers)
Wire stripers (hurray, no more cutting myself on that Xacto :P)

and then I saw the soldering pump, I was like... Wrong thing. He said he could pick up the turkey baster next week. He got me a pump like this for 14$


Does it look Flux? should I just get them Iron?
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

I have a pump like that, what's wrong with it?

Continuity beeper: if the leads touch, it beeps. You can check connections that way.
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

I have a pump like that, it works well but gets clogged every few minutes from the solder hardening/cooling in the front piece. You have to shove your soldering iron there, push down, and suck all the solder up.
ooh, kinky
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

mako321 said:
I have a pump like that, it works well but gets clogged every few minutes from the solder hardening/cooling in the front piece. You have to shove your soldering iron there, push down, and suck all the solder up.
ooh, kinky

I have one too. Don't stick your iron up it, it wrecks it. What you should actually do it open it up, ram the pointy rod through the tip, and re-assemble. If the tip gets plugged up use a small screwdriver or a drill bit. This kind works fine, but the larger more expensive Soldapullit ones are better. We have them at school and they are :awesome:
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

I was thinking that this thing is EPIC

20$ for that thing,

Aparently those pumps arnt that good, but you say they are. Which should I get?

@XCVG I have a large one I think, its like Big. It looks cool

Also, the bottom of it opens up, is that so I can take off the bottoma and clean the solder out? How would I do that?

This is also what im thinking of http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062731
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

You should get the desoldering iron pictured above.
Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled

KK :awesome: should I return the pump? I mean, its 45 Watt, might fry something.

I think il keep the pump, for low head work.