Re: QuickSkope's Portable SNES Worklog: Untitled
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I got my SNES and the game and the Opened controller works awesome. Il post a vid of me playing super mario
In the mean time, my dad went and bought me a bunch of awesome stuff from the electronics store including:
A WP25 Weller soldering iron (epic
200 feet of wire (I dont know why the Heck he bought so much)
Flux (not that flux! the actually rosin flux)
An awesome multi meter with coninuity beeper (dont know what it is, but it beeps, coolness, anyone explain?)
100 feet of Cat5 (to hook up mah Xbox without having it halfway across the room)
Tacts (clicky ones for bumpers)
Wire stripers (hurray, no more cutting myself on that Xacto
and then I saw the soldering pump, I was like... Wrong thing. He said he could pick up the turkey baster next week. He got me a pump like this for 14$
Does it look Flux? should I just get them Iron?