Question about parts and pieces


Hi, I'm thinking about making my first GCP and I'm just lost about what, exactly I need. So far what I've gathered is that I need:

Another GC
-Still need to get

A controller
-I have 3 3rd parties one's that are all broken in their own way, I'll be able to combine them into one functional controller.

A Screen
-I don't know if this ... #shpCntIdl would work

-From what I read, I could just use some DS Speakers

A case
-I want to use a Wii U gamepad case but the only ones I could find are aluminum and that might cause troubles later on. Like this If the case for a Gamepad is too thin/not enough space inside, I might find a way to keep the pieces apart, with rubber, maybe.

-I was thinking that I might want to use wall power since space might be an issue for batteries

-The only tool I can think of right now is a soldering gun but I'm not sure which one would be ideal for wiring.

Help would be much appreciated
I was also wondering, since I plan on using disks, how fragile a Wii disk drive is since that would work best, space wise. However, I have had many games scratched by my Wii tipping over and I'm not sure if handling on a portable platform would work in this case. If it would be not recommended, I would be fine making a GameCube disk drive work.
Get 2 or 3 GCs to start with, you'll most likely fry one or two, I know i did.

That screen is the one I just ordered for my portable, and I also have the 7" inch version, which has a beautiful picture, check it out here (the lines are just from the camera, not the screen itself, don't worry)

I tried DS speakers, but without an audio amp, they're hopeless. Go to your local super-mart or pharmacy, pick up some cheap iLuv or iHome portable speakers, should be around $10. They can run off batteries and sound great.

The case is probably the most important part of a portable, so whatever you like best and will fit what you need is the case for you. (I like the gamepad idea, though. Wish I had thought of that)

Batteries are dependent on space, yes, but the WiiU gamepad is pretty big, so getting some Li-ion cells or LiPos from Batteryspace and stuffing them in there should work fine. There are a billion different ones, so ask if you need help.

Definitely invest in a good soldering iron, but do NOT buy some cheapo iron. They will waste your time and money, especially those "adjutable temp" ones. I splurged and got a Hakko FX-888D for $105, not cheap, but it's the best iron I've ever used.

The Wii disk drive is WAY smaller than the GC disk drive, but it takes a bit more work to set up. I don't know much about it, but I've played with it a bit and its quite sturdy, so no worries. Although, if you wanted, you could try to find a WiiKey Fusion or WASP Fusion (check the Junkyard) so there wouldn't be any worry of discs.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask!
For that screen, I wouldn't recommend it. It's way more expensive than it needs to be and due to the fact that they don't show a circuit board (and it's already put together in a case) it'd be far better to go with something like this: ... iver-board (my screen). Much cheaper and the board is easy to use. It also runs on 12 volts so you can wire it directly into the primary power supply for the GC mobo ;)