
He who mods in thy basement.
Due to the fact that I want to make my portendo 64 pretty, I have opted out of finishing it for comicon. Instead, I stole it's battery and began making the QUAD (Quick, Ugly, And Dirty) 64.

So far, I made ABS cement, LED modded the psone screen, cut the joystick hole, wired up the screen, switch, and batteries, mounted controlls, and cut the cart slot hole/ attached brackets.

Left to do:
get N64
ABS/ bondo controlls/ selected vents on back of unit
relocate cart slot (slot itself already wired up.)
paint/ sand case
play it! :p
mako321 said:
is it gonna be a SS's 11th almost complete clone?(basic one with reset as start)
nah. too pretty already. plus theres a frightening lack of hot glue. ;)
I will probably put an actual start button to the right of the screen, and have reset actually serve as reset. It will have LOB64 and be painted white, and the original power switch will (hopefully) be used.

SS, I just watched all 3 of your YouTube podcasts. They iz teh awesome! :awesome:
I wish I had a workstation like your 2fort, or even that old one story shed thing. Next time I'm in SC, you will be getting an unexpected knock on your door.
zeturi said:
Basement_Modder, you are a god.

I posted this at 2% battery yesterday, so I shall now go into more detail.

I wired up the cart slot in exactly 32 minuites (stopwatch'd it, lol) and the ti card in 4 minuites, then multimeter'd 'em and hooked it up to mah tv and played for 20 minuites, sans heatsink, then grabbed some blocks from the N64 heatsink, then when those got hot, grabbed a GC heatsink and stuck it on top.

I beat SM64 3 times (hax0r way, of course.)