Quad-core ARM9 : Boo, give me Moorestown. (or better yet, Bobcat)
5-inch touchscreen OLED : This I like!
dual analog sticks : *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing finally.
3G, WiFi, GPS : WiFi is something people take for granted, but the other two will just drive the price up.
rear-mounted touchpad: What the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* is that for?
accelerometer/gyroscope : Cool, but playing in a moving vehicle could be interesting to say the least.
electronic compass : Not even gonna ask why.
cameras on the front and back : Okay, cool, but not especially useful since they probably suck.
new media : I don't like where this is going...
LiveArea : Meh. I don't do a lot of social networking anyway.
It really hinges on games, price, and hackability. To me at least, the ability to install CFW was a major selling point (of course I could never scrape together enough money to actually buy one). It sounds like Sony is trying to prevent that again, but someone will probably crack it anyway. As for games, I guess it's too early to tell. Judging by the original PSP and the dual analogs, it sounds like it will have games more my style. As for price, there's simply no way they can sell this at a decent price point. Either it will cost as much as the PS3 at launch, or they will cut features. I don't mind if the touchpad, 3G, GPS, compass, motion sensors, and cameras take a hike, but keep the touchscreen and dual sticks.
Now if Microsoft would actually make the
ZuneX, I would be really happy. I doubt it's going to happen, but we're finally getting to the point where a similar device would be possible.