
ModRetro Legend

Personally, I'm very impressed spec wise, but I'm curious as to how much it'll end up costing us, and I hope the "new media" they are referring to is a physical one, and not just internal storage to download games onto. 3G is a very nice touch, but I hope it isn't limited to AT&T and its made to at least support T-Mobile's bands as well.

Quad-core ARM9 : Boo, give me Moorestown. (or better yet, Bobcat)
5-inch touchscreen OLED : This I like!
dual analog sticks : *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing finally.
3G, WiFi, GPS : WiFi is something people take for granted, but the other two will just drive the price up.
rear-mounted touchpad: What the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* is that for?
accelerometer/gyroscope : Cool, but playing in a moving vehicle could be interesting to say the least.
electronic compass : Not even gonna ask why.
cameras on the front and back : Okay, cool, but not especially useful since they probably suck.
new media : I don't like where this is going...
LiveArea : Meh. I don't do a lot of social networking anyway.

It really hinges on games, price, and hackability. To me at least, the ability to install CFW was a major selling point (of course I could never scrape together enough money to actually buy one). It sounds like Sony is trying to prevent that again, but someone will probably crack it anyway. As for games, I guess it's too early to tell. Judging by the original PSP and the dual analogs, it sounds like it will have games more my style. As for price, there's simply no way they can sell this at a decent price point. Either it will cost as much as the PS3 at launch, or they will cut features. I don't mind if the touchpad, 3G, GPS, compass, motion sensors, and cameras take a hike, but keep the touchscreen and dual sticks.

Now if Microsoft would actually make the ZuneX, I would be really happy. I doubt it's going to happen, but we're finally getting to the point where a similar device would be possible.
Good. I loved my PSP much more than my DS. I can't wait to get PSP2. Though, the pricing will end up near 250-350.
I will now not buy a 3DS until after this launches, to see if I want to pick this up instead.
I'm just wondering how much this will cost, and the battery life. Along with some more details about the 3G connectivity (if it will be like the Kindle or if it will be like the iPad, in terms of payment.) Let's see how the 3D in the 3DS holds up though.
It wouldn't surprise me if this thing got awful life. What pisses me off is on the engadget interview they claimed the fat psp got a minimum of 4hrs. My 2000 got 2 and a half if i was lucky.
According to Sony, the PSP2 should get about 4-6 hours of battery life while playing games. This can probably be attributed to the lack of a UMD drive (using flash memory cards instead) and an OLED screen, along with a bigger battery.

With this learned, the only thing we need now is a price tag.
BUT, the CPU clock still matters, especially if you're looking at it as something to hack.
Its Dang beautiful.

Certain features are retarded and will drive up the price as XCVG mentioned:
- oh cool I can play games while knowing where I am
- oh cool I can now take pictures on my iphone, PSP2, macbook and ACTUAL *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING CAMERA. I should go run a red light while I'm at it.

That aside, this thing is just epic. Someone correct if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure this is the first public release of a working 5" OLED screen. Thats just *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing sick. No one appreciates OLED technology more than me (well maybe palmer) and I can say that, for once, sony made a good choice with a new technology. blueray cough cough

We know Nintendo for its fanbase, and usually fun innovations, but we know Sony for its slick appearance, mature gaming, and always going for the new tech.

PS1 - system with a disc drive (a solid system)
PS2 - system with a DVD drive (big deal at the time, I remember)
PSP - erm internets?
PS3 - system with Blueray (too costly, too soon)
PSP2 - OLED tech (a great choice but pricing concerns me)

People don't seem thrilled about the touchpad. I personally think its a great idea, assuming it is properly incorporated. And it was. Uncharted demo makes the touchpad seem quite plausible. An editor over at IGN described the unit as "sexy" and "comfortable." It would have been difficult to have an L2 and R2 on the unit so maybe the touchpad will act as compensation for the lack of inputs.

The touchscreen will work great. Looking at the way its used in the Dynasty Warriors demo got me excited. Dragging your finger across a group of enemies to watch them all get obliterated from your musou is very pleasing. In other games, inventory switches and tedious tasks will no longer be tedious with a touchpad and touchscreen. I think it will work well.

final notes:

- 6 axis rotation will take getting used to, but so did the wiimote.
- dual analogs makes me so happy
- tiny cards to store games - I'm totally fine with that
- graphics were AMAZING with Uncharted, but are noticeably worse on other games.
- the graphics CAN rival the PS3, but it will depend on the game
R1: Shoot
L1: Zoom/Some Other Secondary Function

Swipe Right Touch Pad: Throw Primary Grenade
Swipe Left Touch Pad: Throw Secondary Grenade

Not that much different really.

I'm really hoping this thing gets good Dev support, along with the 3DS. I actually want to see both systems do well, because both of them have so much potential.
Although it wasn't mentioned, I'm also hoping this has some sort of hdmi/video out, and bluetooth support (to use PS3 controllers, headsets) to allow it to be a pretty Dang impressive console as well. I'm curious how many games can keep running at the proper FPS though when displayed at 720p or so.
might sound silly to you but through watching some demos, it really seemed boring... i'm not a fan of mixing touch screen with physical buttons... i mean i play on my iphone all the time, i used to have a ds, but it only made me realise how buttons are necessary, guess i'm too old school... this is part of the reason why i love old portable systems like gameboys and why i want to make a portable..