PSOne Portable in the making


Been a long time fan of every and all gaming platforms, modding, and electronics overall. I had to teach my mom how to open up her email address when i was ten. So im not new to much at all. Except building electronics. This year(on my birthday) im going to Acen near Chicago, IL, and the trip's gonna be long. long and hard to have fun until we get to chicago. Like 10 hours of sitting in the car, with no Stereo, no CD's capable of being played, in a 10 year old minivan >:( . I seriously need to get my hands on one of these things. I have a playstation and time to get this done but i dont know what to do, how to start, and how to make a mold for my handheld. Just found out about this site and i was hoping a couple ppl could help me. You guys definitely know what your doing. Could you help me out? Give me a site with videos/printable lists of how to create anything? Hope you guys can kinda back up your awesomeness with me on this one.