PS2 Keyboard


Billy Mays
Staff member
Does anyone have extensive experience using a USB keyboard with their PS2?

My specific interest lies in what kinds of keyboards are compatible - I'm building a PS2 laptop, and I need to know if one of those flexible USB keyboards work.

Mini USB keyboards would also be acceptable.
why would anyone possibly want to use a flexible usb keyboard. Those are awful, believe me.
yeah, what Kyo said. Flexible keyboards are close to impossible to type with.

Flexible ones suck, check.

Alright, I'll order a standard slim and hope it works on the PS2. Here goes nothin.

I am using this one till today I not faced any kind of problem .
Nah, I read it. It was something along the lines of, "that was a dumbest thing I ever heard, but it made me lul, so it was worth it." Or something.
zeturi said:
Nah, I read it. It was something along the lines of, "that was a dumbest thing I ever heard, but it made me lul, so it was worth it." Or something.

Not how I interpreted it, but sure :p

I know it's a silly question, but I'm not all that familiar with PS2 - does it have a USB port or will you be modding the keyboard/getting an adapter?
All ps2's have usb ports in the front. I think Robm's trying for a ps2 laptop. Epicness. OMG, now I'm gonna go tear up my fatty.
I wasn't being a dick, lol. I said "Either you're a dumbass, made a dumb mistake, or a troll."

Only one of those is dick, lol.
snowpenguin said:
I wasn't being a dick, lol. I said "Either you're a dumbass, made a dumb mistake, or a troll."

Only one of those is dick, lol.

contradictory much? anyway. Robm, have you thought about what screen you're gonna use?