ProSound Mod

Bibin said:
themadhacker said:
it's 8-bit

The Game Boy Color is 8-bit, yes. Let's clarify:


The GB and GB Color series are 8-bit. This is because the CPU, and the bus, are both 8-bit.
The graphics are 2-bit. This means that there can be 4 possible color combos per 8x8 tile of a sprite or background (for sprites, the first entry is transparent).
The sound is a bit of a tossup, but is likely 2, 4, or 8-bit.

The SNES is 16-bit due to the nature of its CPU and bus.
The graphics are 4-bit, meaning 16 possible color entries per sprite or background tile (same transparency rule applies here)
The sound is 16-bit, NOT because the CPU is 16-bit but because the sound chip happens to be 16-bit. The SNES can only output sound via the SPC at 32000hz, though.

The Nintendo 64 is 32-bit, because although the CPU is 64-bit, the bus is 32-bit, limiting its capabilities.
The graphics are rendered in 16-bit color, and aren't so clearly bit defined.
The sound is 16-bit, CD quality, and is capped at 44000hz, the CD quality standard. This hasn't changed since then.
Way to clarify! :clap:
Sooooooo, is the jaguar 64bit or 32 bit? I tried looking it up but didn't understand much :ashamed:
If I recall correctly, Ben mentioned in the making of his Atari Jaguar portable that he discovered it was only 32-bit... I'll see if I can find what he said.
It's a little bit of everything.

It's a mixed breed.
Like this dog:

N00BModdr said:
jleemero said:
N00BModdr, I've kindly walked you through numerous questions since you first came here, so please listen very carefully when I say: Don't ever ProSound mod a CGB.

Bibin said:
ProSound is just a very stupid way of saying "Line level output", and it removes the buzz and hum that one hears through the amplified headphone jack.
Gotcha...scratch one ProSound mod :happy:
Already decided against it. :happy:
If you're a real chiptune enthusiast, you'd be making them on an Amiga or Commodore 64, though :wink:
J.D said:
...unless you truly enjoy Game Boy music for some reason :awesome:

Well, no, using module trackers one can perfectly reproduce Game Boy music, down to the restrictions of 2 square wave channels with 3 kinds of duty cycle, a 4-bit wave / DPCM channel, and a noise channel. I'll post an example of some of mine if you'd like!
N00BModdr said:
How do I put an image off of my computer in a post?

1. Register an account on an image host. I like Filehive. Imageshack is popular, but I think they just got hacked. You don't HAVE to register, but it's good because you can access your images later.
2. Usually it's pretty easy to upload an image. On Filehive it's on the front page. Browse, find your image and upload. Hopefully your image isn't a bitmap. I use PNG; it's bigger than JPEG but better quality. You should also shrink it if it's huge.
3. Post the image link here. Filehive provides links once you upload. Sometimes they don't.
1. If they do, use the "forums" or "message board" one. It should have tags in it. Filehive puts a URL tag to filehive in front of it. I delete the URL tags [url=SITEGOESHERE]SITEGOESHERE[/url].
2. If they don't, go to your image page (like view your image usually). Right-click on the image and click properties. There should be a direct URL there (called "location" I think). Copy that. Too many people just link to their image page. Okay, now paste it and add tags so it looks like this: