Prometheus (spoilers)


Forum Blooper
Saw it earlier, was pretty cool.

I haven't seen a lot of horror films, but while it was creepy and eerie, you could see all the scares coming.

Pretty neat, but they left out key relationships throughout the plot it seemed. for example that temple room, they know it has the deadly stuff in it, but then there is a giant *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing mural and statue. They take maybe three seconds of notice about the room before skipping right on to the scares and the virus invasion and all that stuff. Then there is the ancient people running into it. Why would they run into it if it contains deadly stuff? And they never *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing explained what they were running from. Its like they created a subset of the plot and just left it dead.
Its kinda like they wanted to give it a deep plot, but were too scared to complete the picture. I dunno if it was because of movie time constraints, but meh.

You will guess who lives and who dies before halfway through. Still a good watch though, I liked it. They just didn't give it enough development.

Also, zero suit samus has a 2 hour long cameo.
I thought Prometheus was a fairly-above average horror/sci-fi film that included a cast of arseholes I wanted to see die very quickly to be honest. Excellent special-effects, good cinematography, and a superb performance by Michael Fassbender, ultimately let-down a little by a cast of one-dimensional characters who had no time to develop any real relationships with each other.

I wonder if there will be a 30 minute longer cut of some sort? It would be nice if they included extra scenes that actually developed character relationships and I might like everyone a bit more.

Still worth watching though.
The zero suit samus girl and her father imply that when he dies, she will own the corporation. So you would think that she would try to do something to achieve this?

Nope, they both die. Without a second of further mention about it.

I did like how they based some of the tech off of currently in development technologies though.
I enjoyed Prometheus a lot. Loving the crack about Zero Suit Samus, I never even noticed that. Yeah, there was tons of subplots and loose threads but it was a pretty great movie. Everything about the emergency medical pod scene was great, the whole "This med pod is specialized for males" and the entire surgery. Also, did anyone else *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing lose it at "I didn't know you had it in you...sorry poor choice of words." Cause I did.
That guy raises some valid points but is probably looking deeper into the movie than Ridley Scott ever did.
Once all the fanfire is over, It would be interesting to see what Ridley has to say about the plot.
Movie confused me at some parts... Also couldn't help but thinking that that snake thing emerging from the ground on the cave looked like a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing dick. Overall, was happy when zero suit girl died, and sort of upset that the scientist's husband went from noticing his eyes were a tad bloodshot to completely dying mutant zombie in a matter of minutes. WTF?
yeah, what was up with that. The plot points just fell into holes towards the end, either because they didn't have the time or didn't realize the plot in the first place.
Basement_Modder said:
Movie confused me at some parts... Also couldn't help but thinking that that snake thing emerging from the ground on the cave looked like a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing dick. Overall, was happy when zero suit girl died, and sort of upset that the scientist's husband went from noticing his eyes were a tad bloodshot to completely dying mutant zombie in a matter of minutes. WTF?

Those things mutate fast, remember Elizabeth being 3 months pregnant in a matter of minutes?