Pricing question on SNES Portable

Title is pretty self-explanatory. I was wondering how much in total an N64 would be if I was to commission anyone, and if I need to send my own things to them. (Forgive my idiocy) I know that this number would obviously range greatly, so let me elaborate a bit. I really could care less how big the thing is, if I can play it on the go with chargeable batteries I'm good. I don't really care about the case either, flip the N64 over like ShockSlayer did and I'm still good. (Watching the video right now, actually) If it looked so bad you wouldn't show your worst nemesis though, obviously I wouldn't really be interested.

I would like to try and make my own portables, but I fear ruining all of our systems as I have no background with electronics, and I'm a wimpy 15 year old who would probably solder their hand instead of the wires and not be able to do school because it hurt. (On second thought...)

I think this is where this would be posted.

And yes, I know I'm a noob here. I've been stalking for a while now though, and I have previous "experience" in buying online. And last but not least, this is just a question. Depending on the price ranges given, it may be months before I come up with the money if it's a reasonably large chunk sum. So I'm not trying to commission anyone now, just want to know how much of an estimate I would need to start looking for one.

Thanks for reading this!
Re: Pricing question on N64 Portable

Depending on how many parts you provide, I'm guessing you could get someone to do it for $150-300.

However, if you just want it to work and don't care about looks, just give it a shot. Nothing about this is rocket science. Just takes some research and common sense.
Re: Pricing question on N64 Portable

A lot of it does seem "simple" (not really, but I think once you tried it and knew what meant what it would be simple) but we only have one N64, and I just know I would mess up somewhere and blow it up. If memory serves correctly the things were about $30 or so used, and even though that's not that large of a chunk, it's still more money out of pocket.

I don't know, maybe I will give it a shot, but before anything I'm going to read and re-read the Mega Sticky. My biggest fears are getting wires mixed up or having the control stick not move properly. That and I don't know if we have anything to solder or de-solder. By the time I got all the tools I needed and a screen I would probably have spent upwards of $150. Now I'm just blabbering, so I digress.

Thanks for the reply, at least I know a rough estimate.
Re: Pricing question on N64 Portable

I'll definitely keep Bud in mind. I saw a bit of his work on Youtube as well, it looks sweet that's for sure. Until I can run into another small job though it'll probably be a while.

Now to jack my own thread ( :awesome: ), my brother wanted to know the same about a SNES portable if he sent the console and two controllers (what he has)? I figured it would be better not to spam the place up when I could just slap a new title on here to ask. Thanks!
Re: Pricing question on N64 Portable

nuke said:
Bud does great work. Current-gen SS right tharr.
I like to think my work is more visually attractive :p