Portable GameCube question

How much would it cost to have someone make a portal gcube with the companonts I want if anyone wants a challenge and money
Game boy player with disc included so I can play my game boy advance games on the go
A disc thing so I can play the games that I have for the system
If anyone can do it please private message me and I will put in more details
dtkillion said:
How much would it cost to have someone make a portal gcube with the companonts I want if anyone wants a challenge and money
You should be a little more specific in what you want. From what I know, commissioning someone to make a portable GC can cost upwards of $400+. I could be wrong. Some people charge differently.

dtkillion said:
Game boy player with disc included so I can play my game boy advance games on the go
I've never really seen a portable with this in it. I'm not saying it's impossible, I just imagine it'd be bigger and bulkier than most portables.
Why not buy a gameboy? They're actually pretty cheap.

dtkillion said:
A disc thing so I can play the games that I have for the system
I'm guessing you mean a disc drive? That would be included. Though if you really want the gameboy player, maybe pay the commissioner extra for a WiiKey or a WODE. It would make it even slimmer.

I'm not the guy to ask for the commission, as I'm working on my own now, and I just can't do it at the time. But i'm sure someone has the time to make one.
You could always build one yourself. We're here with advice for that reason :wink:
beachpilgrim said:
I charge a base price of about $300 for a Gamecube commission, with extra money depending on extra accessories.

Yea Ummm references, previous work, pics of work, etc etc.
I'm not trying to be mean, but. ......

You shouldn't take commissions or even offer till you have done some portables yourself.

Members money shouldn't be taken if you're not 100% sure you can do the project. And with no previous work, I'm sorry but you can't.
*looks at his pile of incomplete projects*

He speaks the truth.
If you haven't done it before, assume you can't.
dtkillion said:
Game boy player with disc included so I can play my game boy advance games on the go

Hello, I think it necessary that the Gameboy player, there is an emulator capable of running all of the games and is very easy to use with its SDGECKO super nintendo and nintendo 64 greetings!