Poor Man's GCp Worklog by SkyGunner

Well, while I wait on my commission to either become a scam, or get a message stating its done, I've decided to start my own portable. As I currently don't have a camera....well a good one; I'll keep you all posted on how it goes. I'm making a GCp. No name for it yet. It will have the Xeno GC 2 chip in it. While I'm positive I can make this pretty decent internally, I suck at cases. My idea is to use balsa wood to make the outer case, then reinforce it. Anywho, I'm following kasar's guide for dummies. Will post pics when i can
Re: New GCp by SkyGunner

A guy on the forums called T-bone. He had linked to some camera shots and some portable site to show that he knew what he was doing. Me being the semi gullible guy I was, didn't look at his post count. He hasn't answered PM's or logged in since the second...so i'm thinking I was scammed. He wanted it paid in full and he'd post pics as he got stuff done. Still, almost two weeks of nothing tells me scam.

But anywho, I have completely dismantled my GC. Its a REV B version. Board number C/DOL-CPU-30. Pulled all the plastic bits out. It will have an external drive...just need to figure out the lid switch. I'm using the PSOne screen and a crapload of tact switches. but it will work
Re: New GCp by SkyGunner

For your lid switch what I did was take a SPDT switch(one with two prongs) and take the two middle prongs of the OEM one and solder any length of wire you want to it. It works great, because on the OEM part the two outer prongs are completely useless.
Re: New GCp by SkyGunner

next post will have pictures of the parts of both the screen and cube-guts. I took a few pics of the lid switch. Could you point out what two points to solder the switch to?
Re: New GCp by SkyGunner

Well, I'm having issues with my camera at the moment....so no pics. However, Work has started on the portable. Following the tute on kyorune's site, i've got the regulator hooked up to the board and am now looking at cooling options. below is my case idea. I changed from balsa (as its impossible to get locally here) to Lexan poly sheets.

I'm still trying to work out mounting issues for the MOBO. the DD, screen and controller should be the easiest to mount. Since the sides are being left open (i'm literally sandwiching everything between 2 8in x 10in x 3/8in sheets of Lexan and using washers or something to space it out), what are some cooling/power options? Also i'm looking for any links to controller rewiring. See ya'll in the morning.

Re: Poor Man's GCp by SkyGunner

Did you pay the dude with paypal? You could dispute it. They're pretty good about that.
Re: Poor Man's GCp by SkyGunner

Unfortunately no. However i can still dispute it through GreenDot. They said as long as i still have the receipt and card, they can recover it.

Question. I'm trying to wire up the controller. kasar's wiring pics at kyorune's site don't match my wire colors.

excuse my ASCII art...it sucks.

+5 | V | S | GND | GND | GND |

I know the +5 is the volts and GND is ground. Is the V the vibe motor and S signal?
Re: Poor Man's GCp by SkyGunner

Well, wish me luck then. The board itself is pretty much wired except for video. And now that i've figured out the triggers pots i now know how to move them.

Cooling wise, i've kept the stock heatsink and fan as it doesn't need to be pretty, just needs to work. the plan is to use a basic plastic shield between the sink and DD mainboard, and between the mobo and screen. my measurements, should they hold accurate....leave enough room for the fan to blow across the heatsink from the side.

The screen will be mounted on one half with the controller's pcb, the rest including the batteries on the back. Looks like so far the biggest obstacle for me right now is wiring tacts. I HATE tiny solder points like Mr T hates fools.
New progress made. While I've been able to wire the tact switches, building a regulator was beginning to erk me. Why, you may ask? cuz I bought the WRONG resistors to bring down the voltage. While the 220 ohm was good for the first one in-line...i needed another 1.1 Kohms to bring the voltage to acceptable levels. Well, google is my friend. by wiring two 470's and a 220 in series I can get it down to 7.84V. My new question is will this hurt my screen?
Off topic and yet not off topic. T-Bone just PM'd me. He now has parts and I haven't been scammed to both my and my wife's pleasure. I'll still continue work on the poor man's GCp anyway.
I'm in the process of wiring my controller together. Will be getting a 12v battery tomorrow. As i'm a complete idiot with a breadboard and cant make a regulator to save my life, I ordered a DIY regulator kit with a voltage display. Its adjustable and shows what its set for. I'll just set it and tape the pot in place when it gets here.
Well, I managed to fry my poor lil cube. Gotta wait til payday to get another one....but i did find a Rev C for about 10 bucks. T-bone has been offline for over two weeks...He said my commission should be finished by thanksgiving but I can't seem to get a hold of him anymore. Next time I commission something, I'm commissioning one of the guys that does them a lot, even if it costs an arm and a leg.
That blows, do you need any parts? I've got a few laying around that I don't need and I'd be happy to sell them for cheap given the whole you possibly being *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed over situation. If you do get in contact with him, I would try to cancel the commission.