Please confirm this info.


Frequent Poster
I've heard this in the past about the n64 jumper pak and expansion pak so please confirm.

The normal resolution of n64 games is 320 x 240 when using the jumper pak.

When using an expansion pak games that require it and select games bump up to 640 x 480

Also a question:
Can you play a 640 x 480 game on a 320 x 240 screen?
You sure can play a 640x320 game on a 320x240 screen - it's just not as high resolution, doesn't look as good as it could. All it is is composite video out, and then the screen takes that and interprets it. If it's a higher resolution, it bumps it down to fit the screen. If it's a low resolution, it bumps it up to fit the screen. Dun know about jumper/expansion deal, though.
You can play it on a 320x240 screen fine if you are using analog signals. Resolution doesn't matter- it sends it out as 480i NTSC or 576i PAL depending on region.