Pay it forward.


GameCube Révolutionary
So yea, I had this idea today which was inspired mostly by Marshallh here:


You see, the day Marshall posted that I had a REALLY flaxty kind of day all around. I wont go into a bunch of detail, but the point is after having such a flaxe day, all day. Marshall's kindness raised my spirits a good deal and I figured what the Heck, why not try to do something kind for someone else as well. Then I thought, why not do it here? Right on ModRetro where it started.

Any of you that have seen the movie Pay it Forward will get the idea right away. Someone does something nice for someone else and asks for nothing in return EXCEPT that sometime in the future, you also in turn do something nice for someone else without asking for anything in return. I.E.: Paying it forward.

Now just so some things are clear. The size/cost of your good dead/what you have to offer does not have to be as grand as what Marshall did. Not everyone has a $200 super cool thingamajig to give away. You can offer up whatever you want, big or small. The point is, doing something you didn't HAVE to do to help someone else for no other reason than you wanted to do it. That being said, don't offer up garbage or crap that no one will want. Second thing is that IMO shipping charges should be paid by whoever wants your crap. This is the only exception to the rule and only if its a reasonable shipping cost for whats being offered (shipping out a NES to someone with a $100 shipping charge is obviously out). Also, you don't have to pay it forward straight away. This is not to say that you should wait 5 years to do it either, the effort should be made to do it within a reasonable time frame. But its fine to wait a bit until you have something that you think is worth offering up. Lastly, things being "payed forward" in this thread are first come, first served. Meaning whoever expresses interest first gets dibs on whatever is being offered.

So you ask how am I going to start this off? What do I have to offer? Well today I did some vacuum forming (which is when I had the idea) and I figured I'd offer up a preformed (unfinished) Fusion rev. 2 or 3 case to the first person to post here expressing interest in one.

So yea, fellow ModRetroites lets start the cycle and see how long we can keep it going! :D

P.S. If you break the cycle you will be cursed 1000 times for 1000 years by 1000 demons that will eat your children.
This is a great idea! Ill try to dig something cool out of my workspace for someone.
I guess I'll take the case if anyone else doesn't want it.
EDIT: I just found a NES motherboard(Untested, pretty sure it works) that may be useful to someone who needs one.
First come, first served Nuke. You should PM me with what exactly you want and I'll need your shipping info again. ;)
I've got 3 gamecubes coming to me, 2 of which I need, but I'd be more than happy to give one for what ever shipping costs to whoever wants it.
This is a great idea, i have some amazing batteries and a screen that i would love to give to someone. I need this stuff out of my house and if i could give it away and make someone's day even better :)
Wretched said:
This is a great idea, i have some amazing batteries and a screen that i would love to give to someone. I need this stuff out of my house and if i could give it away and make someone's day even better :)
What kind of screen?

I think this is a great idea! If I go through some old boxes I'll edit this post with what I find! :)
14.8v 6.4Ah li-po battery pack with built in PCB paid $200. have a 12v regulator aswell.

2 x 3.7v 4700mah li-po cells with 7.4v PCB and got the wrong smart charger though(3.7v smart charger) this perfect for n64 portable 7.4v battery pack

9" TFT LCD screen. excellent condition like new. just has the av and power cords chopped but, the wires still there and for projects you would most likely just solder to the contacts anyway.
Nuke decided he didn't need the case I offered after all, so its still up for grabs if anyone wants it.
Ashen said:
Nuke decided he didn't need the case I offered after all, so its still up for grabs if anyone wants it.
I'll take this instead of the LCD, I still don't have a case for my GCP. PM'd.
Just in case you guys didn't see, I have a NES motherboard up for grabs. Also, Wretched, PM'd.
Maybe I could ship the batteries and screen to one person and then they could ship what they dont want to someone else. I also have an RCP wired n64 motherboard if anyone's interested.
Wretched said:
Maybe I could ship the batteries and screen to one person and then they could ship what they dont want to someone else.
You could ship me the two 3.7 batteries the charger you have and the 9" screen, and I'll ship the screen the Majora.

That's my idea. Majora needs to agree to it though.
I've got broken xbox1(i think that some path at motherboard are interrupted) it gives red light when turn on.
Next is broken gamecube(i tried to cut mobo and went to far[i mean this part ... aces-1.jpg]) Case is bigdvdcutted)
Xbox360 mobo with rrod

Can sent or give photos after 1st May.

Wretched if you still have and want to give i would like to have 14.8v 6.4Ah li-po battery pack
Hey guys, if somebody's already claimed a thing you posted, could you do everyone a solid and edit your post(s) to cross it out like this?