Opinions on the karma system Pt.2 (no immaturity please)


#1 Female Member
the other thread got locked due to immaturity. lets not have that happen here. i think its definitely something that should be talked about. after all, karma could be really cool. as is, its just another useless number.


My personal opinion is that the current karma system is too easy. it should be a smaller scale, say 10 to -10, and each user should only be allowed one opinion about each other user. and each opinion is factored into the users rating as 0.1 of a point.

so,for example, lets say im mad at T_W (<3 T_W). i can change my opinion of him to "dislike, and that drops his rating by 0.1.

if i like him, and set my opinion to "like" then his rating goes up 0.1

and if i dont care/dont know/meh him i can set it to "neutral" and my vote is removed from the equation altogether.

the beauty of this is that it bars from karma spamming, as each user can only have 1 opinion at a time about another user. and if someone gets pissed or something, they cant tan another users rating 8 or 10 points by sitting around all day.
But I want to vote snowpenguin so low that he gets banned.

Karma's a Sega, remember.
Fro, if you dont like snow, thats your deal. if he does something thats a bannable offense, he will get banned. according to the forum rules, being disliked is not a bannable offense. course, with my proposed system, if someone made it to -10.0 they could be banned. and you could try to get enough people to agree with you. as is, people dont get banned for having low karma.

samjc3 said:
dont be immature
AfroLH said:
How was that immature?
That was my honest opinion.
that in and of itself wasnt immature (lestways not extremely). but thats exactly how it started (and soon ended) last time. :o
Not my fault.

I think people who take this flax seriously need to lighten up.
It's just a number.
Autoban isn't even on.
Karma is not "done". We are still figuring it out, and we might totally change the way it works in a week or so.
I just wish I didn't have TWO FRICKING CONFIRMATION SCREENS for it. It should be quick and easy. What, are you going to add a CAPTCHA to it too?

I'm in a trolling mood today.
WhatULive4 said:
What if only the originator of a thread can be Karma'd, or can Karma someone who helps them in that thread.
I like this Idea.
a little change here and there and it would be perfect.
OH SHIIII afro's karma is zero! He still doesn't care!!!

But in all seriousness karma is a joke, its just people who feel loved in the community get a little self-esteem boost. People like me who just post when necessary are probably gonna be somewhere between -5 and 5.
budnespid said:
I like the Karma. Some people are liked others aren't. Simple as that.
I got it
there should be a ranking of "Helpful user/liked user" and "unliked user/troll"
not numbers.