omfgcap's leavin for good

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XCVG said:
EDIT: Heh, I'm resident troll now.


Also, anyone who didn't get that this was bac's infamous final post filled with lies is either new or retarded.

Also, props to OMFGCAPS for coming back and reading pm's JUST LIKE BAC DID. :awesome:

Maybe I just assumed that all people that are quitting a website get their annoying leaving speeches from the same place.

No need to call me retarded... :cry4:
good riddance bac. i like your portables, but your attitude pisses me off. take some time off the internetz to grow up, then start your own gay forum. by the way, we are changing the cPanel password this time.
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=877 The other thread.


To all of you who joined late and still think bac is just a nice guy who makes portables. Read that thread.

Then he comes back, and tries to snipe members from ModRetro. So we ban him.

Then he denies all of it.


Still think he's a nice guy?

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