OK guys... I need your help with the portable gc

Hello all ! I am new to this forum, recently I have heard of the portable gamecube and I am really excited to make or buy one. First of all where can I buy one, secondly if I can't buy one how can I make one (with an SD card slot for games).

Note* tools aren't a problem as I'm working in engineering there are tools everywhere at my warehouse
You can commission someone to do it for you. In that case you would make a thread in the Junkyard section, but it isn't cheap. Also, make sure you find someone reputable to do the job.

If you want to build one, check out the megasticky and various guides on this forum, but honestly you might want to start off with an easier console than the GC.
Just be aware that the GC needs something like 4 different voltages, 3 I think from regulators. You might also look into using a WASP or other WiiKey knockoff because at this point, the disc drive is basically pointless. If you want to trim the board you are also going to have to research Tchay's guide in the stickies carefully. Lastly, I believe the board revision is important as some require less modification than others to run off of 7.4v batteries. I'm talking out of my ass a bit here as I've never worked with the GC but I've read a bit of the guides. Just be aware of how much work you'll need to do to complete a project. I'd visit the sticky first and if you cant find an answer, try the search, a google site search of modretro, or post a specific question here or in the general electronics board.
Ah, thanks for the replies I have tchay's guide. But I haven't been successful in finding a way to run gamecube games from and sd/usb. I have heard of USB and SD gecko but I don't really understand how it works