Nobble's PMP

Hey nobble, does your tv card allow you to use coaxial cable and tune through channels? Basically a mini-tv?
Its called TV Card Player. It's a cheap chinese card from ebay. I got it in the mail today and installed it.

It's a pretty basic card.


So it's basically a simple os that can use a remote to play media from a memory card?

How good is the compatibility?
Yus, exactly. The compatability is minimal. AVI, JPEG, GIF, BMP, MP3, WMA.

I also have a youtube vid in the process of uploading i will post tonight.
This is quite awesome. I've thought of doing similar for a long time but haven't done it.

Another thing to add to my long "To Do" list.

Btw, it's looking great so far, I'm excited to see it in its final amazingness.
You should put my stuff on there ;)

And yeah, half of my iPod is full of 8bc stuff.