Nintendo collections

I had a screwed up childhood. Always wanted an N64 and all the wonderful games for it. I *did* have a GBA and later a GameCube, but the former I only had a few Pokemon games for and the GC was used almost exclusively for SSB Melee. I was raised on DOOM, CnC and later more modern stuff like Battlefield. It shows. Funny thing is, I was always a PC gamer and always wanted to be a console gamer. No amount of splurging on the latter could ever tear me away from my PC. The dust collecting XBOX 360 can attest to that.
Maybe I'll get a picture of my collection eventually. I have literally hundreds of NES games, tons of consoles, and many accessories. I also have teh other systems and games for them (minus the virtual boy). I'm hoping to maybe eventually buy my cousin's N64 collection off of him, since he never really uses it anymore, plus he moved to Massachusetts recently. He has maybe 20-30 games, all in the boxes (not sealed, though).
nevermind1534 said:
Maybe I'll get a picture of my collection eventually. I have literally hundreds of NES games, tons of consoles, and many accessories. I also have teh other systems and games for them (minus the virtual boy). I'm hoping to maybe eventually buy my cousin's N64 collection off of him, since he never really uses it anymore, plus he moved to Massachusetts recently. He has maybe 20-30 games, all in the boxes (not sealed, though).

brunoip said:
nevermind1534 said:
Maybe I'll get a picture of my collection eventually. I have literally hundreds of NES games, tons of consoles, and many accessories. I also have teh other systems and games for them (minus the virtual boy). I'm hoping to maybe eventually buy my cousin's N64 collection off of him, since he never really uses it anymore, plus he moved to Massachusetts recently. He has maybe 20-30 games, all in the boxes (not sealed, though).

I have most of it put away (far too much to display atm). I might have a picture with a few of my games on my parents' computer. I'll check next time I go on there and post if I find it.

The reason I have so much is that I used to resell NES consoles on ebay. I'd be able to sell multiple ones in a week sometimes and make a $50-$100 profit. It has since slowed down (the last person I sold one to was in Hong Kong), and I've been taking a little break from selling them.

As a result of this, I have multiple consoles in their original boxes (they're all different packages, too) and some really obscure games and accessories. I'd put the non-valuable doubles that I had with the consoles I sold and keep all of the good ones for myself. Every time I saw a lot of games or accessories going cheap, I'd buy them up. For example, Super Mario Bros./Duck hunt would usually go for around $3.00, but I managed to find a lot of either 50 or 100 of them (I can't remember exactly how many) for about $.50 each.