Nintendo 64

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Okay guys, I'm having a LOT of trouble with this cart slot relocation business. I think it's because of a bunch of cold solder connections on the actual pins - I don't have the steady hand for this kind of thing, I don't think. What would be some peoples' charging prices to just send me a Nintendo 64 motherboard with the cart slot relocation done? I know this is the easy way out, but I don't have the kind of money it takes to keep buying Nintendo 64s and I sure as Heck am tired of attempting on this one Nintendo 64 that I think is fried. I'm trying to get a N64 from Jlee, so don't think I'm taking the complete loser's way out, but like I said, I'm going to keep attempting this but at the same time I want to be done with this portable. What would some of you charge to send me something like that (that works....)
Joey, next time you need money badly to finish a portable and you make a deal with a buyer to sell something to get that money, I'll go to the buyer and offer them the same thing for $10 less, and we'll see how you like it.

Sound fair?
snowpenguin said:
Joey, next time you need money badly to finish a portable and you make a deal with a buyer to sell something to get that money, I'll go to the buyer and offer them the same thing for $10 less, and we'll see how you like it.

Sound fair?

well because you were being a whining baby and left chat.
(18:13::3:7) Joeyjoe9876: ... i never exactly "stole" it. he said he would consider it. 20$ aint *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing hard to get
(18:13:46) Joeyjoe9876: lol he left

also if i need money i got get a job.
I think Joey means that if you need money badly, get a job. Making portables needs money, and not being employed can really hamper your progress.

'Course, if I only needed $20 and I was a week away from pay day, I'd probably turn to the forums for quick cash.
'tis true. But anyway, just to clarify AGAIN:

SP is sending me a relocated N64 for 20+shipping

Joey is having my N64 sent to him to try to relocate it for the lulz.

No more HATE in my thread >:k

Oh, also, it is taken care of, so a lock or whatever is in order. I didn't realize I would find someone so quickly...

It doesn't matter if you won't need money because you can make it.

The whole point of the post is for you to see it the way I see it.

Why don't we just facepalm eachother a lot?

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