New Xbox 360 Slim

Well, im impressed with this new console, it may be the same stuff when it comes to gaming and such, but it is one of the great new features of the internal wifi and 250GB HDD, but it lacks the capability to connect to other xbox 360s that are older, like the xbox 360 HDD can be placed on any other system except this new "S" system. that is the only thing that disappoints me here. I would like to get it not just for the 250Gb and the epic looks, but the only thing holding me back is compatibility with older consoles. The Xbox 360 S is a good choice for players just starting off, but is a hassle for veteran gamers such as myself. overall my review would be an 8.75/10 or 4.375 stars out of 5
precise one month bump, only off by two hours.

also, take the hdd out of the old casing, you can plug it right into the new console.