New to modding hoping for help with nintendo 64


Hi everybody
I am totally new to the entire modding scene but wish to jump right in and begin modding on my nintendo 64. Due to several members of my family growing up with families of their own(eg uncles aunts) I have in my possession three nintendo 64's. Each are in working condition I also have several third party controlers.
The only problem is I am only fourteen and not very experienced in the modding world. I am however a quick learner given the proper guidance.I am also hoping to pursue a career in computer technology or a similar field. I thought this would be a good place to start. If anybody would be willing to help me out on this little 'hobby' it would be greatly appreciated.
Money is not much of an issue at the moment I have $250 dollars saved up for my own personal use and I would not need to buy the system or conrollers.
I am particularly interested in portable nintendo 64's such as Hailrazer has made. Also mods with better control sticks than the ones that come with the pesky nintendo 64 controllers. I would be willing to start out small. Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
You made a totally literate first post, and you should be proud of that. You'll go places, kid.
mako321 said:
βeta said:
You made a totally literate first post, and you should be proud of that. You'll go places, kid.

Agreed. My advice would be to read through the MegaStickes, read through the guide bassmasta posted, and roll it around in your head for a while. Take notes, draw pictures, start a worklog, take pictures, ask questions. We'll be more than happy to help you out, Adam.
If you want a career in computer tech, try to get in to MIT. Their electrical engineering/ computer science department is unlike any other. Its amazing. I've searched other schools, and they hardly compare.

Good luck. Feel free to PM me any time if you like if you run it to any issues, I can make diagrams.
Read lots of worklogs. Ask lots of questions. Twice. Also, don't be afraid of being noobish, as your first post makes you respectable as a human being; a much better entrance than the soulless swines that utter such ramblings as: "HAi GuYSeS IMMA MaKE TEh NiNDO N64 PORtABLUZ LOLOLOL" Note that there are many ways of doing things, so ask around before you follow through with anything; and also be careful if you use bacteria's guides.
Thanks to everybody who complimented on my literacy.
To Rush, why should i be careful while following bacterias guides?
Most of his techniques are outdated and wrong. Avoid his guides.

Spend some time in the N64 mega-sticky and you'll find everything you need to know.

BTW Thumbs up for proper grammar.
busterg said:
Thanks to everybody who complimented on my literacy.
To Rush, why should i be careful while following bacterias guides?
Its Bush btw, but thats okay.
My bad:p

Thanks for telling me I'll be sure to check out everything in the stickies and avoid bacteria's tutorials and methods.
bacs methods seem fine to me (Whats so bad about them?) they are a little outdated the n64 mega sticky clears alot of stuff up too go through all the worklogs and threads you can. and get a multimeter helps a bunch..!
Hrduncan said:
bacs methods seem fine to me (Whats so bad about them?) they are a little outdated the n64 mega sticky clears alot of stuff up too go through all the worklogs and threads you can. and get a multimeter helps a bunch..!
Whenever he denies a technique, he basically tries it, does it wrong, and calls it impossible and wrong because he can't do it himself. He says that it's impossible to rcp wire, use a flat copper heatsink, and thinks that anything past 24ishawg is bad.
He uses 30 awg for cart slot relocations and uses 24 for power he was going to use a flat copper heatsink but it didnt disperse heat well enough for him he never stated that it didnt work and rcp wiring is really hard and i dont think he ever said it was impossible i dont see why you have such a problem with that....
Mako is basically trying to say that "bacteria" doesn't know what he's talking about. Copper heatsinks work fine, he was doing something wrong or(as usual) he doesn't properly understand heatsinking or what the n64 actually needs. Plus, for the most part, wire is wire, so while it may do the job, it's not always the best choice for the application and usually causes problems later.

Also, I suggest putting a link to your modretro worklog in your signatures at haunted360's and bacteria's forums, so you don't seem so two-faced.
