New Mobo... but what can I do with this old one now?


Hi all! I'm new to the site, but have been following similar projects/forums for a while... hoping you are all as helpful as everyone else has been :)

So I recently had to swap out the mobo on my desktop due to some feline related incidents which left my old one incapacitated...

The question I have now is: can anything be salvaged from this old motherboard (IDE connectors, capacitors, chipsets, etc) which I can, in the future, possibly turn into some other device/connector/gadget? I've been testing out my solder skillz lately and would love to try and build something from scratch... been looking a lot at this site and what you all are about seems right up may alley :)

What do you guys think? It's not that old of a Mobo, (early AMD dualcore with SLI)... should I try to salvage anything, or just scrap it?
If your cat pissed on it, which is what it sounds like, then a lot of the electronics might be shorted and burned out.
No, no pee... he was just climbing on it to get to the window sil (had it exposed as my case had been dropped by an in-law... story for a different time)... is there any tests I can do on the individual components to make sure they are still in working order?