New controller and some interesting info that I found...


Well-Known Member
I know I'm stealing someone's ideas but I cannot remember who it belongs to. Either way, I intend to make a N64 controller with two controller boards so that I can use two analog sticks on games such as Perfect Dark. My question is, should I place the sticks like a XBOX or PSX/2/3 controller?

Also in my searches, I found this video where a PSP nub is used instead of the analog stick in a 3rd party controller and this thread in German (this is a google translation) with a WIP N64p you guys might find interesting. Here's another WIP from the same guy with the PSP nub in use... this is insane.
Like an XBOX controller. In an N64 you use the analog stick way more than the dpad. Also, I recommend two Z-triggers plus the L and R buttons.

Also, from what I've heard PSP nubs are junk.
Wow, the second portable link there looks really great, I never knew there were whole other communities doing this sort of thing! It reakky is an eye opener, to think I though that we were the only ones and then I see something like that with smaller and maybe even better portables.

XCVG, weren't you using the dual analog stick in your WIP? Maybe you should check out how he did it, neverused. :wink:
The way I'm doing dual analog, you can switch between sticks. They both connect to the same board. You can use one or the other, but not both.
For no reason one day I tried connecting two N64 controllers to one port. It doesn't work. :( Your best bet instead of two controller boards is to replace the C buttons with a joystick and relocating it.
Mario said:
For no reason one day I tried connecting two N64 controllers to one port. It doesn't work. :( Your best bet instead of two controller boards is to replace the C buttons with a joystick and relocating it.

I think it goes to two ports, for playing perfect dark and goldeneye.
XCVG said:
Mario said:
For no reason one day I tried connecting two N64 controllers to one port. It doesn't work. :( Your best bet instead of two controller boards is to replace the C buttons with a joystick and relocating it.

I think it goes to two ports, for playing perfect dark and goldeneye.
