Sorry if this is the wrong section, I don't go on these boards too much, anyways so my NES was working just fine yesterday and today I decided to go and play some battletoads. I bumped into my couch and a t.v. remote controller fell off of the couch and took a bounce into the NES it struck right around the power button area. When I went to turn on the NES the light didn't go on, I also noticed the tv didn't have anything being displayed, I tried moving the cords around in the tv to see if it would flicker or anything but no dice. I figured it was old, and the hit may have made an internal cord or so get a little out of place or something. So I opened it up and it appears that everything is connected right, but then again I am not exactly an expert. Seeing how the remote hit the power button I think there might be a connection problem in the switch, any ideas on how to fix this?