NES Top Loader Help


Hey guys, I just picked up an NES Top Loader today! But I'm having some issues with it. Basically, when I plug it into my HDTV, it plays the games perfectly except for one thing: the audio AND video flicker constantly. This didn't happen at the HDTV where I work, and it doesn't happen on my CRT. I'm using the RF adapter, not the composite cables, by the way. Any ideas?
I didn't even know HDTVs had RF adapters nowadays :p

I'd say just mod it to use composite cables, from what I heard it's not that difficult.. It also may be the refresh rate of your TV if it's 120hz, but I have no idea if that'd have anything to do with it. It's entirely possible that there could be something with the hardware of the NES or the carts you're playing with.
Top loader does not have composite stock.

At least, normal toploaders don't. There is a YouTube video showing a toploader with a multi-av out (only composite actually comes out). It is not an AV Famicom- this thing takes NES cartridges. It was clearly built in a factory and is not a mod. I have a few theories.

1. It is a clone of very good quality. If it is a clone, then it must predate the days of the NOAC since it has multiple chips inside (IIRC).
2. It is a rare model of very limited release. This is what the owner claims.
3. It is an unreleased prototype. I seem to remember it having a box, though, and retail labels.
No this thing isn't a clone. I have tried every combination of the following: NES-001, NES-101, RF Cable, AC Power Cable, Composite Cables, CRT Television, HDTV at my work, HDTV at my home. NES-001 works perfectly with Composite on everything. NES-001 works perfectly with RF on everything except my HDTV, NES-101 works perfectly with RF on everything except my HDTV. I don't know what the Heck is going on with this.
Composite out mod is your friend. I did some research on it, but sadly it was on the wiki which is now gone. I *might* have crossposted some of it to my blog, I'll go check.

EDIT: My blog and this thread.
I appreciate the help, but I got this for a great deal, and I don't see them very often. So I'm keeping it mostly for Collector's value. Which means I won't be modding it.