Need technical help with oscillators.


Lightbulbs are awesome!
Alright, so I'm planning on building a sort of homemade theremin.

The theremin uses the heterodyne principle to create sound (generating new frequencies by multiplying two oscillating frequencies). One oscillator functions at a fixed frequency, while another oscillator is controlled by the distance of the player's hand from an antenna. The player's hand is the variable capacitor in an inductance capacitance circuit, which is part of the oscillator and controls pitch (1). The difference of the frequencies makes a frequency in the audio frequency range, and is sent to an amplifier.

tl;dr: Just get out.

If you did read it, I have a question at (1): Does the player's hand actually act as the oscillator in the circuit, or does it control the oscillator (and if so, how?).

Thank you!