Need help!


Lightbulbs are awesome!
Okay, so I've been offered an eBay consignment job online, and I'm trying to determine if it's legit, or if I could get scammed. Here's how it works:

I list the item on eBay, handles questions and sales, and I receive the payment. My "employer" ships the item, I wait until the buyer receives the item and is satisfied, then I send my "employer" the money, keeping my 15% share.

This almost sounds too good to be true... But I see no way I could get scammed here. I'm asking him for solid proof he has the objects, and questioning the ordeal pretty thoroughly.

So does this sound like it's okay?

There's no risk on your part really.
Sell one of the items and see if it's real, if not, stop.
AfroLH said:
There's no risk on your part really.
Sell one of the items and see if it's real, if not, stop.

But if they don't ship the item, he's the one who's gonna get in trouble for it.
All he would have to do is refund the buyer.
The employer doesn't even see the money until the buyer receives the item.
Then I'd go for it. Just make sure to keep active communication with your employer.

EDIT: Post 777, lucky me :dah:
I dunno, I would wait until I could get solid proof that this employer guy is who he says, because he could just be using you to scam people.

What if he says he shipped it, and you send the money, but he didn't, and he bolts?

I dunno, but I would wait for solid proof.
You really don't have much to lose considering you could always refund the buyer and this other dude really has nothing to gain by backing out of his end. The only thing I would worry about though is the possibility that the items are stolen and he doesn't want it to be traced back to him if he sells them on ebay himself. Does this guy live in your city?
and how will you know that the customer has received the item and its not some other dude claiming to be the customer so that you send the money?
Why does this person need you?

Why would they need anyone to do this stuff for them?

I can't be because they are lazy, it's easy as Heck to sell flax on ebay.

SS, eBay consignment is popular, when selling expensive items people will hire others with high feedback (such as my 100%) and long standing accounts so that buyers can trust them. Also, longer existing accounts with higher feedback generally get more/better sales.

gross, I thought about that. However, if the buyer claims to get the item, and leaves me positive feedback, he can in no way take that back. Always let your buyer feedback first :)

Zero, he lives north of here. I've already done a bit of IP detective work, I know his address, name, IP, ISP, and employer. If he tries to screw me over I could *Can'tSayThisOnTV* him up pretty good.

Kid in Wisconsin tried to hack my online game. He now owes $5k+ to the MPAA for pirating movies, thanks to my good citizen and letting the MPAA know :lol:
SS, amp is right. Why do you think they have so many of those "Sell your stuff on ebay" stores? A lot of people either are too lazy/don't know how or just want the benefit of using someone's account that is already established as a good seller.