n64 video problem

I just tested my N64 after relocating the cartidge slot, i have some weird problem where on the screen, the picture is barley visible, and the sound is a little faded but im more worried about the video cause its not WoRkInG RIGHT!!!! >:( . can some one help me out here
Might need some more info, but here's what I can suggest right now:

1) Check all your cart slot connections to make sure that nothing is bridging, and that all wires are connected to the correct pins, etc.
2) Are you using the original AV cables on a TV or have you soldered to it? If you have soldered to the AV port, make sure that your connections are not loose, bridging, and are touching the correct contacts.

Yeah, what's your exact set up? Are you using a TV, or are you soldering to an LCD? Are you still using the power brick, or have you solder in any voltage regulators? Also make sure to test with another game if you have one. Sometimes our games can fry or bork on us. Make sure the pins on your game are clean.
ok well thanks for the quick reply! and now to the questions, i AM using the original cables, av cables as well as power cable to test it to a little tv, its not the LCD, that comes in in a few days from what i can tell, the sockets are not bridged. but i feel like i need a better set up with the bridging cables because... its a mess