Mystery Sega Theater 3000


President Groosevelt
Staff member
Not the official name of the project, just a Sega Genesis project from yours truly and a couple friends. Won't disclose full details of the project, but I will say I don't think its been done before. Maybe the more observant of you can figure out the basics of what we're doing by studying the picture.


What's done so far:
Cut case to fit motherboard
cut motherboard to fit case
remove cart-slot (will need a new one, which we can get from another genesis lying around or Sonic & Knuckles. couple pins came out during removal and one broke in attempting to place it back in.)

Quick question: We quickly tested to see if the genesis would power on with 9 volts. We saw the LED come on but didn't actually test the system itself. Will it be fine running off 9V instead of 10V? I figure it probably should be fine, but may as well ask.

Well that's all you get for now. Maybe I'll have an update next weekend.
eurddrue said:
A sega genesis in a projector?
No, the name really has nothing to do with it other than its a Sega, and that its a mystery 'cause you don't know what it is. Its also a play off of that show Mystery Science Theater 3000 where they just made fun of bad movies.
Question about power:

What is the voltage range the Genesis 2 will work with? We've got an intec (yeah, I know, they suck) screen and wanna make sure they'll both work with the external power source we get.
Argelfraster said:
Sega Genesis takes 9-10 Volts DC.
hmm... not as much wiggle room as I would've liked. Guess I'll have to use resistors to bring down the voltage for the screen.
grossaffe said:
Argelfraster said:
Sega Genesis takes 9-10 Volts DC.
hmm... not as much wiggle room as I would've liked. Guess I'll have to use resistors to bring down the voltage for the screen.

As far as I know the Genesis uses a 7805. So it should work with 7+ volts. If not you can probably put in a new 7805 that can.
XCVG said:
grossaffe said:
Argelfraster said:
Sega Genesis takes 9-10 Volts DC.
hmm... not as much wiggle room as I would've liked. Guess I'll have to use resistors to bring down the voltage for the screen.

As far as I know the Genesis uses a 7805. So it should work with 7+ volts. If not you can probably put in a new 7805 that can.
I believe it does have a 7805. That would be the thing standing up from the board with the heatsink, right? So if 7 volts is enough, than that is exactly what I wanted to hear, because I believe the screen takes 7.5 volts.

So will I have to hook it up directly to the 7805 or will it be fine putting it through the normal power points on the board?
themadhacker said:
either or. Doesn't matter. soldering to the 7805 bypasses the power switch though.
that may be beneficial. Still haven't settled on the final design. Still working on some of the physical aspects. The cart-slot isn't quite fitting as we had planned, unfortunately. We'll need to find another form of hinge to get it to do what we want it to do.
Just want to post a little update. No pictures (even if I wanted to, I've overdone my photobucket bandwidth so they wouldn't show anyways). We were having a problem mounting the cart-slot because the hinge was getting in the way (uh oh, I gave out another small clue). We solved that issue today, which was one of the biggest issues we were gonna have to deal with. Next step is the basic wiring (batteries to genesis and screen, genesis to screen, main board to cart slot). That should give us a primarily functional system as which point we'll look into sound and an external power source.
There'll be another week of hiatus on this project due to my partner-in-crime going out of town, but I feel we'll start to make fast progress once he's back since we'll get begin with the actual wiring, and I'm not a foreigner to the soldering iron.
cart slot rewiring has now begun. We've got all the wires on the board, just need to solder 'em to the actual cart-slot now. as proof we're still making progress, I have another picture that will not reveal much in terms of what this project is gonna be in the end.
