Mysterious transmitter planted in a laptop

He's not asking for a free repair, only if they can identify a part. I don't think they'd care about the warranty in that case.
Unless they're tight asses. However the people that work at Apple stores are pretty cool usually, at least in urban areas and malls.
RF + no wired connection to laptop + laptop + cheap-ass receiver = impossible it's something as insidious as a GPS tracker, keylogger, or any real nefarious device, really.

It's probably something retarded, like an RF receiver for a DVD remote control. In fact, that's probably exactly what that is. Unfortunately, Google searches on the part number are useless, comes up as an LCD inverter board. I'd call Apple, give them the model number, ask them if there was an option for it to come with a remote - I can guarantee you it was an add-on option for the laptop, and would explain why it's not an official Apple product, as I would expect that to be an outsourced job.
He said outright it wasn't connected to anything.

For one thing, it has it's own power source.

It was wrapped in tape, had no wires, and was shoved under the shielding beneath the keyboard.
Maybe it was to make a distraction so they could drill at bibin's skull while he inspected the part.