My Secret: Tiny Carts.


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
I wanted to wait till I finished one to ask, but I need feedback.

This is a pic of what the insides of 90% of all N64 games look like:

For example, Super Mario 64, Diddy Kong racing, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Stadium... The list goes on, but almost all N64 games look like that.

Now, they also have metal shielding. At first, I thought I would remove that as well, then realized it adds "heft" and it can be trimmed. Plus, it would only help thickness, which is the one thing you would NOT want to affect if you wanted your portable to be compatible with normal N64 games.

Now, as you can see, there is a ton of airspace on the top. Also note that you can trim off a LOT of ground, and make the carts not as wide.

Now, I want to trim the sides to make them not as wide, and ALL cart support that. However... a few carts, like LOZ:OOT and Pokemon Stadium 2, actually USE the airspace at the top for a bigger board. :( Since all carts can have the sides trimmed, I will do that for sure.

So, my question: Should I leave in that airspace at the top, or should I make most of my carts with no airspace, and just have bigger carts for the games that need it? My plan is to have my carts slide down the back, so if I made it to work best with my small carts, which would fit flush with the top, normal, unmodified games and trimmed games that use the airspace would stick the top of my portable a bit. Any thoughts?

And yes, unmodified carts will work, they will just jut out a little bit on each side. This is a portrait based portable, though, so it is not in the way of the hands.

So here is my question:
Ah, but what if I am not using a PSone screen? ;)

Plus, if your cart is outside the case, it can never hurt for it to be smaller. This is mainly just an issue of looks.
I decided I will make my N64p for my small games; If big games look a little weird, then so be it! :lol:
I told you my secret would let me have an N64p in a stock DMG case. You did all the hard work, I just figured I should make DMG sized carts! :lol:

Which brings up an interesting subject: These boards are only 20 traces or so, and large ones, too, with only 3-4 chips. You could very easily make a homebrew board that is hella small.
The one thing your forgetting about your n64p in a stock DMG case is that there are these things called batteries, a screen, and a controller. And you said I did all the hard work. :p I'm sure you have it measured out where its possible, but I don't beleive you, for once.

I will concede that it is thicker than a stock DMG. :( I have a few ideas, but all of them need a thicker case.

I am thinking cart slides down top, and then using a custom cut/bent copper plate mounted that covers all the heatsinks. Have the chips facing right against the cart, with the sheet of copper spreading the heat. Then, cut a hole in the case so I can mount a think heatsink with the top perfectly flush with the plastic, and mount the heatsink on the copper plate. This would allow access to cool air on the outside, which will help a LOT with heating issues. I would then have room for 4x 18650 li-ion cells on the very bottom edge.

This would COMPLETELY fill the bottom half, and it would stick out just a little. I would then make a perfboard with all the buttons and joystick mounted on it, and wire it to a slimmed down N64 controller mobo that would be glued to the underside of it. Then, my screen; pretty simple where that goes. :lol:

SS, would your 3.5" LCD fit in a stock DMG case, or no? Looks a bit wide. :(
I may have a plan, but coming up with a plan and making it work are two different things! :o

Thanks for those measurements, I will be checking it tomorrow. I was thinking of getting that DX panel... But if it looks like it will be a tight fit, I will play it on the safe side.

Oh, and SS: Don't worry about me competing for size on my N64 portables with yours, I am going to finish my gamegear one before I attempt a tiny one.

Drat, the gamegear one was going to be my tiny one. :lol:
I don't know, you could only really fit 3 or 4 before it takes up the same amount of space as a cart slot. you wouldn't really get much out of it.
You could do it, but then you may as well use an iQue, since it can have 16 built in games, and all the best 1st party titles are available.
PalmerTech said:
You could do it, but then you may as well use an iQue, since it can have 16 built in games, and all the best 1st party titles are available.
has it been hacked so you can load the games in there yourself?
The Kiosk loader system was leaked, so you can install all of the games for free now.

Yes, they are in chinese. :( But keep in mind that even "Chinese" games like Mario Kart 64 still have english text! :mrgreen: It is the case with a lot of games. In addition, most N64 games are not text heavy at all, with Ocarina of Time being the exception.

A few people are/were working on injecting english N64 graphics assets into the games, so that they would be english. Not sure how far they got, I will need to get back in touch with them.
Question: Could you just connect all the pins that are not ground and then just switch them via grounds?

I'm going to build in my games (*gasp*) because I have no need for a cart slot. I've got all of 7 games I want to actually play.

ShockSlayer, what games do you play? Getting an iQue may not be a bad idea if they have all the games you want.

I wish I could find mine... :(
pokemon stadium 2, mario kart 64, LoZ: OoT, LoZ: MM, SSB, Starfox 64

EDIT: Ique has all but PK stadium 2 and MM, two titles that are too good to pass up

Here are the iQue games:

Wave Race 64
Star Fox 64
Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mario Kart 64
F-Zero X
Yoshi's Story
Paper Mario
Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth
Excitebike 64
Super Smash Bros.
Animal Crossing
Dr. Mario 64
Custom Robo

Missing a few from your list. :( It only draws 500ma at 5v, it is so tempting to make a portable one, but you are right, pokemon stadium is too good to give up. And HYDRO THUNDER.