Hey guys, Ryanishere,here

I am going to make a portable playstation, There are three requirements for this.
1. It has to have the flippy up playstation disk drive thing
2.Has to be shiny black ( :D )
3.Has to look reasonably good

here are my proposed plans for it (sorry for bad quality, paint decided to not work :hit:

The back bit is supposed to be the top of the psone :sweat:

Things I need, Soldering iron, de-soldering device (could not find iron, probably braid, or a pump) Dremel, (Theres a cheap dremel 300 at B&Q, £35 :D ) various bits a pieces, screen(probably gonna get a 3.5" car moniter of ebay)

Total fund- £13 :gonk:
Shiny Black will be a nightmare if you're not an Ace with Bondo/epoxy and paint. Might want to stick with flat black or preferably flat white to start with. ;)
Shiny Black will be a nightmare if you're not an Ace with Bondo/epoxy and paint. Might want to stick with flat black or preferably flat white to start with.

Well it doesn't have to be shiny black, just that was the coolest colour to pop into my head.

Oh yeah
Modding fund-£3.50 (went to cinema with mates today :gonk: )

EDIT: Got the psone and cables of my dad tonight, pics tomorrow :dahroll:

The un-tampered PSone

The back (you have to laugh maniacally when you purge the warrenty sticker :dahroll: )


The top part of the shell

Disk drive

The part we're all waiting for

All of the parts...naked...
Double post for reason!

Got my soldering Iron yesterday! :)

It's a 30W Antex iron with a pointed tip, but is it suitable for use on a Playstation?

There will be progress soon (famous last words...) so thanks for all your help! :D
i think i want to make a portabal ps1 also doas eany one know tthe voltage im going to need

hey neverused are you talking to me