My PsOne screen is different!

*First, sorry for my english*
Hi everyone,
I was shearching the CV23 for a brightness mod, when I understood that my screen was different :cry4: :
the ordinary PsOne screen's CV23:

MY screen's CV23 :? :

So what should I do? Where is my CV23? On the right of the writing "CV23"?
thank you for reply :wink:
Thanks everyone :) ! I'm French and I bought it in England. So a Pal PsOne screen and zenith can't have the brightness mod... :( but in the picture I can see the cv23.
Try placing a wire across this capacitor. It should work. Tell me if it does! :)

Ok :awesomemario: , I will tell you that. Nethertheless, I don't have all the components to finish, they arrive later and I'm going on vacation Tuesday. Therefore, I think, I will tell you that at the end of August :wink:
thanks :D