My Official ModRetro/MODDEDbyBACTERIA Announcement


Probably SS
Precursor: I made an account over on MBB to talk with Bacteria, he and I chatted for awhile about site affairs and the like; this is my reply not just to him, but to the intersite drama. I am staking my adminship here and my entire portablizing career on this body of text. Please, bear with me. I want this all to end:


Been thinking about this all day, and I've been trying to write a reply but I've been really busy, running errands, playing games, trying to enjoy life away from the drama. Now that I've got some free time I'm going to try to be as simple and clear as I can be. This is a really tough subject for me. So I'm having that coffee as I type this. Please just bear with me, and try to read through all this.

Everyone's trying to convince me of what I should do, what I should believe, etc. etc. It was a little hard but I took a step back and figured out exactly what I should believe and do.

Before I start, let me just put the two contenders out here: It's you, Bacteria, and Palmer. The two key players here, ask anyone from any community and they can tell you that without so much as an errant twitch.

First off, Bacteria, I don't believe you are a bad person, and I don't think you really have evil intentions. I don't think you deserve to be attacked, by anyone or any group. I think that you don't really want to have drama, or fight with anyone over foolish things. I think you want to be happy and successful and respected, by most people.

I believe that you feel that you were wronged(by Palmer, and by extension myself), and as a result you tried to get back at whoever you thought wronged you. I believe that you felt that you couldn't get that respect, success and happiness until the ones who wronged you were taken care of.

All of the above text applies to Palmer, as well. Equally so:

I don't believe Palmer is a bad person, and I don't think he really has evil intentions. I don't think he deserves to be attacked, by anyone or any group. I think that he doesn't really want to have drama, or fight with anyone over foolish things. I think he wants to be happy and successful and respected, by most people.

I believe that he feels that he was wronged(by you, and by extension certain members of your staff), and as a result he tried to get back at whoever he thought wronged him. I believe that he felt that he couldn't get that respect, success and happiness until the ones who wronged him were taken care of.

All I did there was change a few words for proper grammar, I think by now you can see the parallel between the two sides. This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. This is why in court, we have prosecutors and defense attorneys. Two sides, fighting for opposite goals, neither giving in, not even just a little. Both locked in constant battle for eternity. Nobody admits they are wrong if they can help it. People will yell, kick, holler, scream, all the way until they die. Again with the bible: this is why you hear about churches that split, neither side is willing to give so they split up, as you split from us and we split from you. We've each found our mountain to die on, our founding principals, what we will not steer away from. An endless fight, a cycle of revenge after revenge after revenge. It's why there is so much hate and discontent in the world, nobody wants to give, not even an inch. Heck, families split, divorce rates don't seem to be declining. I think I've made my point.

And I can't claim I have the perfect answer. Sure, I could try to play the game of "we should unite for the common cause of portables!" but that has never worked. There's too much anger. Too much bad sentiment. Too many feelings hurt, too many emotions stirred. That route is overplayed and any idiot who thinks that is the solution is likely to get served a cold dish of rejection, failure, and anger.

Wanna know what really happens? That dad finds a new soulmate. That mom finds a new lover. And they move away. And then further away. That church relocates to down the block. And then further into the city. And then halfway across the state. And eventually, after 20-30 years, dad has a hard time even remembering his first spouse's name. And no one has ever even heard of the liberal half of that church that split 20 years ago. People grow further and further apart and then they STAY APART.

Sure, you might hear of that church that gets back together. And sure, you might hear about that couple getting remarried. But how often does that happen nowadays? Rarely. And when it does, you often hear of issues coming back up, another divorce and another split. It becomes another endless, vicious cycle all over again.

So what happens when a couple grows apart and stays apart? They find happiness in other things. Dad has his new soulmate. He goes bowling, ice skating, fishing, and golfing with his new partner. Do you think he wants to talk all the time about his first love? His first wife? No, of course not! He wants to devote all his time and love to his new spouse. That's who he loves, and that's what he needs to make his focus.

And yes, eventually his old spouse has to come up.
And he'll say, "Yes, I used to be a member there, but I've found more happiness here."

AND THAT'S IT. That's all that has to happen. Dad doesn't start sending letter bombs to his first wife again, and he doesn't try to brainwash or trick his kids into hating their mom. He addresses it, and then moves on. Dad has a simple, non-provoking soft answer. That's all he says.

And like the coffee I just finished, that's the Dang bitter truth.

That's what we have to do, if we are going to progress as people and as collective bodies united for common purposes. Distance ourselves, and when questioned, a simple, soft answer.

Now, where do I fall into the spectrum here? Heck if I know, but I believe that it'd be in your best interest, Bacteria, and also mine if I just stayed with ModRetro. Why? Because I'm going to work at it, and I'm going to make it better, just as you are going to stay here at MBB, work at it and make it better, like I know you will.

And then, drama will be one less thing that each community has to worry about. ModRetro won't have to worry about MBB, and MBB won't have to worry about MR. And as a result, nobody will give a Dang if you are a member of both forums or neither. Drama is something that we can now effectively chop off of the motherboard, and as a result we will both have smaller, nicer portables.

I put my heart and soul into writing this.

Let this be the end of inter-site, portablizing drama.
That was really beautiful.

I've already told you, but I back you completely.
I agree. This nonsense has been overboard, and entirely uncalled for. Albeit, I was not here for the incident that caused all this mess -- so perhaps I'm missing something -- but I think we can make it better. We're just a bunch of people on the internet with extremely similar interests and (mostly) great senses of humour.