mY n6-D fore portabel

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Okay guise so I ame maeing an N/64 hand-hels portabel that i can bring withe me to places ande stuff cuz my famely is relly poor so we kant afford a computer or a plane so we drive places and i wante somthing to doo when i go to the car in places oh flax i mean places in teh car lolololololol andyway i have bilt one befoar but i solde it to my naybor fore a box of chereos and a psp 100 so i dont have it cuz its his now but if i make this other won i kane have a new won that will be bettar then secks

i maed a relly good consept pickshur bekuse ppl on make dem so I gues i will too but i haev to uploed it to teh internets to put it hear so hold on won sekond

git redy to be amased!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!
hear it iz lololz

Welcome to modretro!

You should fix the first pic. It looks wrong. Its L C D screen, not LSD. ::3:

Good to see you're making progress. Try a little less hotglue. Nice table, by the way.
You, stop this. Stop the lulz, and pics or it isnt real. I don't mean to be a dick, but this isnt
Bush. that was uncalled for. This thing is a masterpiece. Its ganna be the best troll64 evar
I think you should sand it out a bit more TBH. That bottom flank looks like it'll break off pretty easily, too.
mako321 said:
I think you should sand it out a bit more TBH. That bottom flank looks like it'll break off pretty easily, too.

Yeah thats a good call mako. I like the button placement, it was a good idea to have 3 start buttons so it would be accessible from all angles of the unit.
That's a photoshop. We aren't that *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing stupid. Take some real pictures, or I'm going to call you on this. There is a fine line between lulzy and stupid, and you are on the stupid side of that line right now.
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