My 5th n64p complete!


Well-Known Member
I made this one for a commission. Downing made the top half of the case to make my life easier. I built it in 1 day!

3.5 inch screen
Pal n64
expansion pak
memory pak
3ds slider
4way tact for dpad
ds lite speakers
l is included
5000 mah rechargeable batteries
sl68 case







Well now I have to make one more just like this one and I've got 3 gamecube portables coming too!
One cannot simply defeat he who has made an unlimmited amount of n64 portables..

I waited about a month for the cases and all the parts to come in, then when i got back from europe, i was going through withdraw from modding, so i went hard and this is what i came up with!
I knew I shouldn't have let SS, Bud, and Ashen sleep in the same room...
I'm about 99% finished with my 2nd one. This one is exactly like the first one but with some extras. This was practically finished a few weeks ago but then the n64 was only outputting black/white so it took a while to get another pal n64. I had to rip everything out of the case and then it got all messy on the inside so this one is not as clean and organized on the inside. oh well. So i made an adapter box with a spare ipod charger for the cable and the box has a player 2 port and av out. It plugs into the console via usb port. After i finished it up today, it was really tight fit du to messy wires and if you pressed a part of the bulging case, it would short and restart. So i freehanded a 5mm thick spacer with my dremel that turned out well and now it closes with no trouble. The screws arent long enough any more and the screw posts are stripped so i made some new screw posts. I just need to wait for the abs cement to dry and then ill drill some holes and close it up.

The adapter box

Messy internals

ttsgeb said:
I knew I shouldn't have let SS, Bud, and Ashen sleep in the same room...
You'd think that at least a little bit of my non-productiveness would have rubbed off on him. You really should have joined us, Tim.
Bumping because I saw this on ProJared's video about RETRO magazine (25 seconds)