Downing's 2nd N64p Commission Complete


Well-Known Member
So not more than 2 weeks went by after completing my first N64p commission before I had another one in the works! This was pretty cool because never have I made two of the same style system before, which made for a very improved and tweaked model over the first version.

That being said, I'm also amazed at how fast this one is going, though it's really not that surprising considering it's a second run of the same style system.

This one did however throw a couple of curve balls at me. For one, this is a PAL system as the buyer is in the UK. So I had to order a special wall power adapter and a US to EUR step down converter for the battery charger as the batteries I use require a special smart charger.

Anyway, here are a bunch of pics show my progress in the past two weeks. As I said, I'm way ahead where I would normally be on a first run so it's all coming together nicely.

So unlike the first version, this one uses all custom cut PCBs for the buttons and component mounting. Takes a bit more time to mill, but is far stronger and eliminates the need for a lot of extra ground wires.

Some pics of the rough 3D printing case work.




You'll probably notice that the face plate looks a bit odd. The reason I print them this way is because I'll later be running it through the CNC machine as it gives a much cleaner finish than what 3D printing would put out. I did print this face plate out on PLA though which I regretted afterward because for milling purposes, it just doesn't work as well as ABS because of it's low melting point. ABS will make plastic chips when milled. PLA just makes a melted mess and has to be watched constantly to make sure the bit doesn't gum up and cause a real big issue. I'll most likely be changing my methods for this shortly where I'll just print brackets for the buttons & mounting and just use polystyrene like I do for the back half of the casings.

Another reason why I want to start using sheets of Polystyrene for the front plates is because the filling and prep work to make a 3D printed part look good take forever!


Some beautiful board reduction using the CNC


Adding the heat sinks to the board and the expansion pak. I used copper for hot and heavy RCP and CPU and Aluminum for the RAM on the expansion pak due to less heat.


The front face prepped for milling

And nicely milled

All the components in place and ready for painting/assembly. (Note, those aren't the batteries I'm using. Waiting for the correct ones in the mail)

The rest are just pics of some of the assembly and the cart relocation.









All in all I'm very happy with how this one is turning out and how fast it's going. Should have this one done in a few more weeks as I have time. Still need to get the batteries but most of the tedious parts are done, now it's just the wiring. More updates soon!
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

There's going to be a piece covering the expansion card and cart slot, right?

Great work, by the way! I'm loving it.
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

Royal said:
There's going to be a piece covering the expansion card and cart slot, right?

Great work, by the way! I'm loving it.
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

Royal said:
There's going to be a piece covering the expansion card and cart slot, right

Oh Royal...I see the mouth is working before the eyes again. hehe :lol: :wink: The pic with all the components laid out shows the cart cover, it's just not painted yet. Yeah, I'm not going to spend this much time on the case work to leave that exposed.

Glad you're liking it so far though, it should be pretty sweet when it's finished off!
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

Alright! Made an amazing amount of progress this weekend. As it stands now, the audio/video and wall power are fully wired up and working. It's really cool to see how fast things go the second time around. I've been working on this for a little over 3 weeks now and probably have 20 hours or so into the project and this could possibly be done in the next two weeks making this the fastest project I've ever completed. And everything is working first try, which for me is an amazing feat. The cart slot, the AV, it's pretty cool.

But enough of my babbling, time or some pics.

So I needed to 3D Print the D-Pad but I wasn't happy with how jagged the whole piece was. So I decided to try the technique of Trial by Fire to smooth it out. It actually worked out pretty good. Not perfect but smooth as butter and feels very nice on the thumb.



The next 5 pics show the internal progress with the components and basic wiring/component placement.






Showing there is an expansion pak installed.

Some pics of the screen quality.


All in all I'm loving how fast this one is going and how quality this portable really is on so many different levels. Hope my buyer is as happy as I am!
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

Got the batteries wired up and the controller working. All that's left to do now is wire up the memory card and finish off the cart slot cover. I could actually have this done by this weekend!



Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

Thanks. Yeah I wasn't expecting things to go this smoothly. I mean everything was just working first try, but I guess that's the benefit of the second time around. Find what didn't work so well the first time, make the adjustments and build from there. Looks like I might have another one of these to build in the coming months as well and that will have some revisions to it as well.
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

The paint is so cool looking, one of the nicest portables I've seen so far!
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

Thanks guys! It's a Rustoleum Textured finish called "Aged Iron" or something like that. It's got a very gritty feel to it so I have to finish it with 8 or 9 clear coats, but it covers imperfections like no other and with 3D printing, there are always plenty of those.
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

Dang, everything is laid out so nicely inside. I'm sure the commissioner will be very happy with the results. :)
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

How well does PLA work for portables? I would think that it slightly warps with all the heat coming from the heat sinks.

Would you say that a console with a higher heat output like the Gamecube could run into this issue?
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

RageCreation said:
How well does PLA work for portables? I would think that it slightly warps with all the heat coming from the heat sinks.

Would you say that a console with a higher heat output like the Gamecube could run into this issue?

It's possible that it could be an issue yes, but it would have to be a concentrated amount of heat for a great deal of time before it would get to the 180/200 Degree C melting point and if it got that bad than you should have some kind of cooling measure in place that would counteract that anyway.
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

This is super clean downing, awesome man. I printed with pla for the sides of my ps2p portable and then cnced the front with styrene, pretty easy method.
Re: Downing's 2nd N64p Commission

And she's done! Actually she was done last weekend but it's been a busy few days! Enjoy!
