MRCT is gonna be on TinyChat


The Official Ghost/Reaper of ModRetro
We're gonna be in tinychat later tonight.

Prolly playing some video games and doing some modding

you should be there.
lol, I got banned for Rickrolling Beta

EDIT: It's too bad 40 people misclicked the Awesome face and accidentally hit the Facepalm face.
Beta banned me for being there. He did the same on the chat after i did nothing at all to deserve it, and has yet to revoke it after more than 12 hours. We'll see how this goes.
Actually last night I called kb a dipflax, so he kicked me. Then beta came in later, and after i did NOTHING, banned me for 3 months. His only response to PMs is pretty much "trolololololo".
Not really. This isn't a joke, and mods aren't supposed to behave this way under any circumstances whatsoever.
Apparently nobody is banned from Tinychat, yet I can't connect and it says I'm banned.
Snow, you're lucky you're still allowed here in the first place. You should know better than to call a mod a dipflax considering your horrible track record thus far.

J.D said:
Apparently nobody is banned from Tinychat, yet I can't connect and it says I'm banned.
Try clearing your flash cookies.
It's not like I was being perfectly serious about it.

Besides that, THAT'S NOT WHY BETA BANNED ME. FOR THE LAST *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING TIME, HR BANNED ME BECAUSE HE FELT LIKE IT. Kicback had already punished me for calling him a dipflax. You DON'T know what happened, now stop acting like you DO.