Mounting button caps on top of tact switches?


Well-Known Member
Hay guys,
Gamer here. Long time no post, been busy with college stuff etc.
anyhow, I started working on my nearly finished GCp, and I'm stuck on the issue of mounting buttons on top of the tact switches for the ABXY and LR buttons, any help on how to mount buttons on top of the tacts, as I have tried a few things, but no solid conclusion :(.

I tried the gamecube ones with the shell for ABXY, no dice :(.

And tried the gamecube L/R shoulder pads modded to fit, nothing etheir.

Any help on what I can use and how?
Like for example how ashen used psp buttons for the fusion micro or how gman mounted his modded tacts with guled on buttons?

Thanx guys and hope someone can help me out as I'm really stuck here :(.
I would suggest using hot glue, or super glue if you want a tighter bond, to glue a piece of that perf board to the bottom of those buttons, providing a nice flat surface that will make appropriate contact with the tact switch. It's more difficult to do with a GameCube's buttons because they have an open hole in the bottom, whereas PSP/DS buttons are more flat and made to press up against a switch.
Blargaman91 said:
I would suggest using hot glue, or super glue if you want a tighter bond, to glue a piece of that perf board to the bottom of those buttons, providing a nice flat surface that will make appropriate contact with the tact switch. PSP/DS buttons are more flat and made to press up against a switch.

Um, yeah. I have made a second perf board to place on top of the board with the tacts.
Um, question, i hotgule or superglue the ds buttons (ABXY) on the second board where I made the markings for the ABXY tacts (where they touch the tacts underneath and I secure the second board with the ds buttons to the tact board via screws on screw posts like tchay did on his new envision rev 3 for example?
Also, if I glue the ds buttons on the perf board, I don't need the plastic membrane?

This is what you mean, huh?
or instead of adding something to the button to make it take more space, you can fill the buttons insides with some type of putty or glue whatever. then you will have a flat surface to make contact with the tact switches.
Blargaman91 said:
I would suggest using hot glue, or super glue if you want a tighter bond, to glue a piece of that perf board to the bottom of those buttons, providing a nice flat surface that will make appropriate contact with the tact switch. It's more difficult to do with a GameCube's buttons because they have an open hole in the bottom, whereas PSP/DS buttons are more flat and made to press up against a switch.

Hum, yeah the ds buttons seems to work better than the GC ones, I think I'll glue/hot glue them on a pcb and add that to my tact switch board on top mounted with GC screws + screw posts. it should work! I think?

or instead of adding something to the button to make it take more space, you can fill the buttons insides with some type of putty or glue whatever. then you will have a flat surface to make contact with the tact switches.

This could work too, a putty filling on the ds buttons doesn't sound bad.

In any case I'm hoping one of these methods works, so the tacts will work with buttons, and the same for the l/R which I'll use the spare A/B buttons from the gba I got from amazon and mount them the same way as the ABXY buttons.

I hope this will all work out great, cause then my GCp will be finally finished.
I filled the hollow buttons with epoxy then cut/sanded them to height, to keep it from rotating I bonded a small piece of paperclip into the epoxy so that it stuck out ~3/16" from the edge of the button. I cut pieces of plastic from some leftover abs 3/16" x 3/8" x 1/8" thick abs and dremeled a slot for the paperclip as a guide. I then bonded the guides right next to the button hole so that the paperclip could be inserted into the guide, then the button into the hole.

The top of these guides also provided a perfect surface to mount the tact boards and it held the switches at just about the right height... so far superglue has been sufficiently strong to mount the perf boards considering it's glued in at least 4 spots. I can take pics when I have a free moment... have a server blowing up at work so it's taking most of my time this week.
Hay guys, thanx for the helpful advice!
Today I spent my time drilling holes on the second perf board for the ABXY buttons from the ds.
I'll hot glue them in the inside to make them flat and superglue them to the board.
Also from my boards's testing it on the tacts, the a tact doesn't react when pressed, instead b tact is pressed, maybe because the board is leaning to one side.

Also I drilled two small boards for fitting the A/B buttons (from a spare GBA) to use for the L/R tacts. They need a bit of hotgule filling to have a nice flat surface to make contact with the tacts.

I may have to drill the b part of the board to fit through the B tact so the A tact can react.

Also, if I tried filling the GC buttons (ABXY) With hotgule then they would make sufficient contact with the tacts?
Hot glue is not a vey good option because, even after it hardens, it will tend to stick to the tacts some. It may also get soft while your portable is on depending on how much heat there is.
Blargaman91 said:
Hot glue is not a vey good option because, even after it hardens, it will tend to stick to the tacts some. It may also get soft while your portable is on depending on how much heat there is.

Yeah, thanx for the tip, man :)
I'll use super glue or uhu glue instead.
I haven't had much time to work on the portable to fix the buttons.
When I get some free time, I'll get on with fixing the buttons etc.
Hay guys, today I finally fixed the ABXY issue and added the GC shell with button on top of the tacts with cardboard spacer and mirror tape and put the ABXY GC shell with GC buttons (with hotgule in them)
And it works great :).

I'm SO glad it works finally!!!

Now the fix for the l and R triggers:

L trigger:

R trigger: (need some work on this)