
Frequent Poster
What are you doing for that special person who's put up with your antics for however many years.
I made my own card. Drew a little flower on it. And I'm giving her a Star Trek t shirt. I'm going to try to not be an all out jackass today, but I dont think I'm as good as B_M.
I made a card for her in photoshop. It has a nice little poem in it. Mom's love that flax. The best part is I can be an asshole all I want today since she's out with friends till tonight.
As bad as my mom's been to me lately, I'm taking her out to a steak dinner tonight. Plus, I love steak. Hopefully the bill don't make me have to sell a precious game system or anything. :sweat:
My dad and I got her an early mother's day gift because we "couldn't wait to give it to her" a few weeks ago. Truth is, we forgot when it was and saw something on TV saying mother's day is coming up soon, so we were like OCRAP.

So since she loved wine we got her a wine aerator. But that being said, I will tell her I love her, etc.
Wrote her a note about how appreciative I am of what she does and how she gives me relatively little to complain about, especially after hearing about (and experiencing, in some cases) what some other peoples' moms do. o_O

Also, my sister and I bought her Cinnabon cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and we're going for a nice scenic drive a little later. Too bad the weather turned to crap.
I got my mom a communist greeting card.

No but seriously, I'm a huge jerk so nothing. Not even a card. I should probably do something one of these years. Especially since she's so nice to me when I try to kill her...
didnt give her nothing. since, ya know, that would involve not being a selfish Playstation.

a hug