Mother 3 help!

Hey guys.
I`m a big fan of the Mother series, and I just got into playing Mother 3 on an emulator, but I cant STAND crouching over to play it. Games should be played on a TV, on a couch, on a handheld screen, not a computer (unless your a PC gamer, in which I'm not.). So I want to play the game on a GBA, but flash carts are a bit too expensive for my budget (I'm 13, I dont have alot of cash all the time). Is there any way I can play Mother 3 on a GBA on a budget of like, $10? Maybe I can flash a ROM onto another cartridge? Please help!
No. Flash carts are your best option, other than original cartridges.
Alternatively, PSP or Wii + emulator.
Oh well, I'm gonna have to sell something ELES before I can play the game. I may check out retrode and see if they have anything there for GBA.
Set up your computer so it is comfortable to sit at? I'm much more comfortable sitting at my computer than I ever was playing my GBA.
I would get a controller to use on your computer (I would recommend a 360 controller) and/or a VGA/HDMI cable to hook your computer up to your tv.
There is a flashcart that costs $10, but Mother 3 won't fit on it. Guess you could always emulate it on a PSP, iOS, or Android device. Playing on those will probably make the timing during combat near impossible though. Really, your best option is to do what Vskid said and hook it up to your TV, or spend more than $10.
I don't know what you're talking about, Zero. GBA is just about flawless on the PSP.
Never said it doesn't work really well, because it does, but the sound combat timing thing is off for Mother 3. Still totally playable, but you'll have to rely on luck to get those combos.
Yes, I am trying to say that, considering Mother 3 is one of the largest GBA games.

The only GBA flash cart I'm aware of that retails for $10 is the Fire Linker, which is 128 Megabits. That's only 16 Megabytes, or about half as large as Mother 3.

You could maybe find a good deal on an old Slot 2 card like an M3 or a SuperCard, but those are pretty horrible and I've had them die on me over time for absolutely no reason. Don't even know if they make them anymore.

Just spend the extra cash on a real flash cart instead of cheaping out, it's well worth it.
I'd recommend the Supercard DSTWO flash cart. It's pretty much the best flash cart on the market for DS. GBA support without a slot 2 device. It's going to cost you around $30-35 though.