ModRetro Information Reformation


Frequent Poster
Okay, so currently as ModRetro stands, there is a lot of good information on the forums. However, just because it is there, it doesn't mean it's necessarily jumping out at you when you go onto a subforum. For example, Bush recently made a pinout for GameCube controller ports on the Wii, and I printed it out. I went back to try and find it on the site, and I can't. Put simply: The information is spewed all over the site with no central form of organization.

The stickies are outdated and don't link to all that much information. Also, now that imageshack seems to be deleting most of their old images, we are losing a lot of good diagrams that were on older guides. If you go onto the N64 mega-sticky, a lot of the guides now have dead images, rendering them useless.

I've seen Palmer posting a number of times about a "forum revamp" and all of this good stuff, but he doesn't have all that much time on his hands anymore it would seem, or if he does he doesn't spend it here. We need to gather all of the information and centralize it into some new mass database of information. (A Wiki would be nice. However we'd obviously need a requirement for editing pages, post count maybe?) Portabilizing is declining already as it is, and now I'm seeing new members joining the site asking questions that could be answered if we had a centralized bank of information. Instead of making a new thread for a guide and then having to wait months and months for it to be stickied if at all, it would be really nice if we could just have one area designated to information on that specific console/whatever.

Just a few of my thoughts on the site. Since Bacteria and SS took their forums down, we lost a decent chunk of information. Let's not let the amount we have left get lost in the void of the subforums.
2 users have made wiki prototypes but I don't think any preachers actually jumped in to add info yet. SSF had little to nothing in the way of exclusive information, but a member here has a full backup if need be (IIRC). Bacteria's guides are on WayBack Machine.
I have a wiki, it had a very small amount of info on it, but then the spambots found it and I had to nuke everything. It's still up, though.. just completely blank. PM with your desired username if you want an account.
I have downloaded the backup of Bacteria's site and there are actually a lot of images in it that are dead over here. I'll start organizing everything soon.
Unfortunately a lot of the staff have either moved on to other things or are simply too busy to update everything.

I'm totally for creating another user group with the power to do this if we can get enough volunteers to help, as well as a private subforum to make collaborating on this easier. Heck, at this point I'm for a complete restructuring of the staff entirely.
I have been around ModRetro for quite a few years and I would love to see this reform. I'll help with anything you guys need.
Zero said:
Unfortunately a lot of the staff have either moved on to other things or are simply too busy to update everything.

I'm totally for creating another user group with the power to do this if we can get enough volunteers to help, as well as a private subforum to make collaborating on this easier. Heck, at this point I'm for a complete restructuring of the staff entirely.
Yeah, I think this would probably be the best way to do this.

grossaffe said:
I have long been pondering the prospect of bringing in a new sticky master.
That'd be sweet if someone was picked to update all of the stickies. I think that it would be cool to do a complete overhaul of all of the stickies personally, like a complete thread redesign.

I'd be down to help with whatever is necessary, this is something I've wanted to see done for a while.

Here's an example of what I think would be a good design for the stickies:

Obviously that's not anywhere near all of the information or projects of the GC, but it's just a quick idea.
I'm all for a staff restructure. I vote that we make Prog admin and then demote everyone else just to see what happens.
Gross, I would love to dig through old posts and sticky them if you would like. I've been Segaing about it for awhile and I've already got a ton of bookmarks of lost threads.

As for the wiki, I really would like to help Geb, I just need some free time. Let me know if I can get an account and I will do my best to find time here and there to pull stuff and add it.

Lastly, I am both surprised and excited to see that MR might have the means to make a comeback. This site still has a great and active community; it's just old.
My wiki is in pain right now. It will need a little bit for me to fix everything.
I apologize.
I think we should do a poll to see what people want in a central data bank (Sticky rework, Wiki, something like the IC, etc.)
You misunderstand what the purpose of my wiki is.

I have a local site that I maintain that basically stores my own notes about things that I have done/ course notes from my classes/ essays/sources etc.

This is just me throwing all of this back out there for anyone to use.

If you all want to come together and use geb's, go for it, on the other hand, if you want to read my own rambling, flaxty notes, feel free to use maplesyrupcartel.
SteamDNT said:
You misunderstand what the purpose of my wiki is.

I have a local site that I maintain that basically stores my own notes about things that I have done/ course notes from my classes/ essays/sources etc.

This is just me throwing all of this back out there for anyone to use.

If you all want to come together and use geb's, go for it, on the other hand, if you want to read my own rambling, flaxty notes, feel free to use maplesyrupcartel.
I think if we decide to make a wiki it would be hosted on site. (Or at least I hope it would be.)

Nothing against you or geb, but outside/unreliable hosting hasn't really been a great thing in the past. If we were to have a wiki I think it would be best for all of the images to be hosted onsite, not linked off somewhere else.