Modding GameBoy Color and Pocket


I just picked a couple of systems off eBay and wanted to perform a few modifications to each one.

For starters, my only pet peeve when it comes to modifying these systems is being able to tell that someone hacked the case apart to work something in that was not there before. In other words, I prefer to maintain the element of surprise. As such there will be flashy LEDs under the clear shell. It's not just for me.

With that said, here is what I intend to do. Some feedback would be appreciated. I also do have a couple of questions.

GameBoy Pocket (a personal favorite):
Version: Translucent Green

-Backlighting using Bibin's tutorial and the nonfinite V2 kit.

-Sound mod using this tutorial

My questions for this are as follows:

Is it safe to add a potentiometer to the backlight circuit so that I can dim the backlight as needed? In other words, are there any repercussions for doing this? Electrically it should not be a problem...I think.

As for the sound mod, I'd like to use magnet wire so that this mod is as hidden as possible. Aside from the wire being single strand, which should not be a problem as it will literally be installed and not moved again, are there any signal noise issues? I noticed there seems to be a common usage of IDE cable but I'd rather use something near "invisible" since the Pocket is translucent. I've considered simply using perhaps 30 gauge stranded wire from my other hobbies.

And for the GameBoy Color:

It seems it is impossible to backlight the screen but maybe Bibin's frontlighting will be enough ( at least it is better than nothing!)

I've also considered moving the guts of the GBC into a GBP case as done here but with the frontlighting and retaining the GBP speaker for audio fidelity....

Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
alco said:
Is it safe to add a potentiometer to the backlight circuit so that I can dim the backlight as needed? In other words, are there any repercussions for doing this? Electrically it should not be a problem...I think.

It seems it is impossible to backlight the screen but maybe Bibin's frontlighting will be enough ( at least it is better than nothing!
1. I dunno, I don't think anyone's tried it. Maybe you can be one of the first :D
2. It is near impossible to correctly backlight a GBC. Frontlighting is the only realistic option.

Oh, and welcome to ModRetro :dah:
Thanks J.D.

The GameBoy Pocket should be arriving in about a week. I'll let you all know how it goes.
Also, it's not that the speaker in the pocket is any better than the color, it's the actual sound output. The pocket produces a much finer sound quality than the color. You can test this with headphones to prove it.
zeturi said:
Also, it's not that the speaker in the pocket is any better than the color, it's the actual sound output. The pocket produces a much finer sound quality than the color. You can test this with headphones to prove it.
Dumb question: if this is the amps fault could you swap amps?
Honestly, I don't know. It should be possible, but without having the guts of both systems in front of me, it's hard to say.