Modded GBA SP; Headphone jack!


Probably SS
So I decided I wanted a headphone jack for my GBA SP. It's been my main source of gaming here recently, and I happen to mod everything I touch. If you haven't already figured it out, the SP was the only gameboy released without a proper headphone jack.

Check it:








Had to relocate a cap, and dremel the case and the headphone jack a bit, but other than that it was fantastic.

resurrecting this sweet mod. the youtube video is painful to follow and the images are dead. anyone has them?
"Resurrecting" a thread is really frowned upon, but nobody really cares what happens here anymore so I'll ignore it.
SS deleted all his images so that we couldn't use his content anymore. You might be able to try following the link in his signature and PMing him there, but try not to harass him like so many newbs do.
I've actually been meaning to ask or find out about that. Does anyone know why ShockSlayer had deleted all of his stuff? Like what had happened with all of that?
I don't mean to bump this. Especially since I myself have been a Ghost but like he was really a huge Inspiration for me and helped me be as skilled as I am now. So I was just really curious on why he deleted all of his videos and pictures?
something something Palmer something something Photobucket something something BitBuilt ayy lmao

Most of his older stuff was super outdated with the exception of this anyways. All of his new stuff is on the new site, IE the one in his signature and the superior site ayy lmao
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Ah Alright. I guess it slightly makes sense. Lol. I never fully checked out his new site. Modretro was where I started so I just kind of stuck here. I'm abit out of the modding game(even though I'm in the middle of modding 2 Gameboys(a dmg and a color) and a wiilaptop) But I guess at least I know a tad bit on what happened